Dienstag, 14. März 2017

Made of stone...

18 Kommentare:

  1. Großartig, wie du wieder die passenden Fotos zum Thema "Sein " gefunden hast.
    Du musst ja ein riesiges Bilder-Archiv besitzen !
    Besonders die begrünte Mauer hat es mir angetan.
    ♥lichst Jutta

  2. I like the way plants and greenary takes over the stone. It is a beautiful thing.

  3. A nice collection of stones :-)

  4. ,,,things made of stone are treasures! The cemetery is wonderful, a style that I have never seen before. Thanks Mascha for stopping by, I hope to see you again.

  5. Wonderful photos of stones made items. Have a great day!

  6. Like yuor stonepictures! Nice collection!

  7. Stone and plants...it doesn't get anymore gorgeous than this!!! These are stunning!!!

  8. En superb samling stenar med tjusiga växter. Fin berättelse.

  9. Beautiful place. I love the stone walls and that pink plant...and all the other photos are so nice.

  10. beautiful selection. rugged stone with bold colours and soft plants.

  11. Wll - what can I say?! You put up the most varied and definitely most different pictures to the theme "Stone". Well done:-) My favorites are your pics of the gravestones. I wouldn't have thought of them at all. It's so great to see different "viewpoints" on these themes:-)

  12. Så fantastiske steinbilder i mange varianter.
    Vegger i stein er nydelig.

  13. Impressive things made from stone.
    Very nice pics!

  14. What is carved in stone says with us through history! Nice!

  15. Love this gallery of many stone. Impressive and beautiful.


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