Montag, 31. Oktober 2016

To Samhain

My photos are taken at the Central Cemetery in Quedlinburg, Germany.

The video is not my, it's recorded by Ralph Ernst (found it at youtube).
It shows pictures from the old "South Cemetery" in Munich, Bavaria, Germany.
It was founded by Duke Albrecht V as a plague cemetery in 1563 and for 80 years it was the onliest cemetery for the deads of the whole town.


Sonntag, 30. Oktober 2016

Listening well

He had the gift of stopping time
& listening well
so that it was easy
to hear who we could become

& that was the future
he held safe
for each of us
in his great heart

you may ask, what now?
& I hope you understand
when we speak softly
among ourselves
& do not answer
just yet

for our future
is no longer the same
without him

- storypeople - 

Sun in a tulip...

(Photo from my archive)

Freitag, 28. Oktober 2016


Someday, I hope you
have a child fall asleep
on your chest & in that
moment, with the soft
whisper of their breath
against your skin, I hope
you’ll find the place
you’ve been looking for,
without any effort at all,
right there in your chest
where your child sleeps.

- storypeople -

A leaf of summer days

Ein grünes Blatt

Ein Blatt aus sommerlichen Tagen,
Ich nahm es so im Wandern mit,
Auf daß es einst mir möge sagen,
Wie laut die Nachtigall geschlagen,
Wie grün der Wald, den ich durchschritt.

- Theodor Storm (1850) -

A green leaf

A leaf of summer days,
I took it with me by strolling around,
That it might once say to me,
How loudly the nightingale was singing,
How green the forest was, where I had gone.

Shared with Friday Greens

Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016

Hope chest

I threw out my hope chest a while back
because it was too big to carry around with me all the time,
but I still kept all the blankets & clothes.
I just dress in more layers now
& I’m hoping to move to a cooler climate soon.

- storypeople -

(Photos from my archive)

FOTOgra - Miejsce pracy o poranku -

Morning sun at my working desk. Today.

Photographed for Art Piaskownica

A pretty mansion

Montag, 17. Oktober 2016

From the old time...


I've chosen baroque music, because many visitors write,
 that the modern songs were unaivable in their countries,
 maybe, that works better?

Shared with Foto Tunes, image-in-ing, Wednesday around the World
Wordless Wednesday

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016

Wild songs

I wish for you a life where your blood
sings with the voice of an eager, wild thing.
With a voice that says I am here & in this short time,
this is the song I sing because I can.

- storypeople -