Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2016

It's really autumn now...

20 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful autumn asters! They tolerate this chilly, rainy and windy weather. Keep yourself dry and warm Mascha!

  2. Wunderschöne Aufnahmen meiner Lieblings-Herbstblume, der Aster.
    Eine Blume meiner Kindheit, ich habe sie schon immer geliebt und bin jedes Jahr aufs neue verzückt, wenn ich sie sehe.
    Besonders die mit den Tautropfen drauf, ganz schön!
    Liebe Grüße Mascha
    schickt dir Jutta

  3. Mascha, beautiful glimpse of autumn...enjoy it while it lasts.

  4. Stunning captures of asters! I love the photos of the flowers with rain drops on the petals. Perfection!! Stopping by to say Hi from WW Create with Joy linky.

  5. I didn't realize they were a sign of autumn, I always associate falling leaves, these are beautiful!

  6. It is hard to believe Autumn is here already.
    Gorgeous images of your beautiful flowers. Have a lovely week.

  7. What a fantastic color! I love this little flower and your photos are great!

  8. They are SO pretty especially with the water drops!

  9. So pretty! Thanks for linking up!

  10. Beautiful asters. Love the water drops! Happy Thursday!

  11. Autumn beauty like this is just wonderful. Loved all the shots but especially the 4th shot down.

  12. Yes it is, and the raindrops really enhance the flowers.

  13. Yes! These are real autumn flowers! Pretty.

  14. These autumn asters I love too. I grow many in the garden, but I have been to busy in my backyard to admire them. I will go out again and enjoy the bright purple colours. Thanks for linking, Groetjes Hetty

  15. Wundervolle Farbtupfer im Herbst...
    Liebe Grüße, Karin

  16. Your flowers cheer my heart Mascha. I love them! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful photos with Today's Flowers, and I wish you a very happy week :)

  17. What gorgeous flowers!!! Fabulous photos, Mascha.


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