Dienstag, 30. Juni 2015

Trees and walls

Bäume und Mauern

Diese Fotos sind nicht mehr ganz neu. Sie entstanden auf unserem Oster-Ausflug nach Halberstadt und weiter in den Huy. Ich bin immer sehr glücklich über die seltenen Gelegenheiten, die eigne Stadt einmal verlassen zu können und ich zehre dann lange davon. Deswegen die Bilder auch erst jetzt.
Aber ohne Blätter sieht man die Bäume ja sowieso besser...

These photos aren't new. They are made at our Easter trip to Halberstadt and in the Huy (little ridge). I am always very happy about the rare occasions to leave the own town once and remember this for a long time.
But you see the trees without leaves anyway better ...

Trees and walls
both they are for centuries
give structure to the landscape
give limits ago
delight the eye with beauty
and if they fall
remain traces still
for a long time

Freitag, 26. Juni 2015

Friday Five and escapes

Good Morning,

it's time again for joining with Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five and Amy's Five on Friday.
Today a big photostory...


Last weekend we had a visit from our friend 
and we could make with him and his car two wonderful escapes.
It's always a big gift for me to lost my town for any hours and looking what's around.
I'm very grateful for this rare chance.


On Saturday we were in Quedlinburg at an artist festival in the park.
It takes place every year, but it is not always possible for us to visit it.
This time I was very happy to be there.
Some trees in this park I've shown already here.
The festival has always been a very special atmosphere.


There I made my first steps on a slackline (never seen before).
It was a big fun...


On Sunday we visited a former monastery nearby Blankenburg.
Here is now a museum and a venue for concerts and workshops for musicians.
Moreover it has a wonderful garden full of fragrant herbs.
A truly spiritual magical place!
These are only a few photos ...


I'm only 55 years old, but I guess you can not start early enough to look for a suitable coffin.
Finally, we are in it longer than we live in an apartment ...
This here is stable and has for me the right size, but it was a bit uncomfortable.
I'll keep looking for others and deicide it later... ;-)

Have a great weekend all.

Shared with Straight Out of the Camera Sunday, Creative Mondays