Freitag, 30. September 2016

Friday Five and shortstories

Good morning,
it's Friday and time for Willy Nilly Friday Five and Five on Friday.

Last friday Tom The Backroads Traveller shows this photo (thanks for credit)
and in my mind came five stories.


More than five decades they made the library service. 
She did it with joy, because the books were her friends. 
Often she read stories to the children or the elderly with bad eyes.
It was a popular meeting place. but with the years came fewer and fewer people: 
the younger ones had gone away, the old people died.
Finally she died too. 
The reverend took a book in her coffin.
Surely she reads now all the old stories to the angels...


Hundreds of miles he had driven to this godforsaken place.
Here the deal should be, which would save him. 
But now he sat here and Fletcher did not come.
What was going on? Was he busted, they had arrested him?
He could nobody no reach.
No matter, he thought, now I'm even here, will wait another day.
Long since the last cigarette was smoked and he leaned against the wall.
He had probably fallen asleep ... suddenly the door opened 
and a lovely young woman stepped out and handed him a book. 
Blankly he looked at it.
Suddenly he remembered how much he had read as a boy, 
and soon he plunges into a strange fascinating world again.
Fletcher was forgotten


They biked over here and saw the inscription. 
They brought their books from home and put them on the floor in front of the door.
They read each other all the stories.
Other children saw this and brought their books too.
They exchanged them, and came here every wednesday 
to their self-made library service ...


He drove so many unknkown roads. 
He liked to discover new terrain and old buildings - they had to tell so many stories!
Then he saw the door. Tightly closed.
He was so curious to take  the crowbars and it opened.
Behind he found old straw and lots of garbage. 
He rummaged around and found a book.
He openend it and found written the lives of all the people
 from the farms of the area for more than 200 years...


They got the old building cheap. 
Now they were here to live with all their children and plans and dreams.
 It was not easy, but they were young and would already make it.
The old door would not budge so quickly. 
When she was finally opened, they saw old wooden shelves full shedded and dusty books.
All children helped to make order and to clean the books.
Then they opened the library service again.
Soon people came from everywhere and brought them new books.
It was again a rich library and a lovely meeting place...


Have a nice weekend with a good book 

Shared with Monday WRites too.


16 Kommentare:

  1. Greetings Mascha. These are great stories that you shared today. And, I love the beautiful photos too. I hope you are doing well and wish you a wonderful day. Pat xx

  2. Wonderful stories Mascha. I have been enjoying my books & reading to the fullest. If you haven't read Alan Bradley's Flavia de Luce series, I warmly recommend! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. What a wonderful imagination you have. Lovely and inspiring stories.

  4. Great idea, the door conjures up many pictures.

  5. Was für eine schöne und beeindruckende Geschichte!
    Tolle Foto dazu konntest du da verwenden. Ich kenne den Blog auch.
    Bücher bedeuten mir auch viel, ich finde es so schade, dass den Kindern nicht mehr ans Herz gelegt wird, sich damit zu beschäftigen.
    Meine Tochter hat bereits begonnen, meinem 6 monatigen Enkelsohn Bilderbücher zu zeigen und dazu vor zu lesen.
    Es gefällt ihm sehr :-)
    ♥liche Grüße

  6. What an imaginative post with a real love of books. Thank you. Have a great weekend :) B

  7. Mascha, I can tell that books are your friends and that is wonderful. Enjoy your day!

  8. What a wonderful and imaginative post, I love the little stories my favourite was the final one where all the books live happily ever after.

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

  9. i loved your story inspired by tom's picture! thank you for linking mascha, have a great weekend :)

  10. Lovely story and picture. What a great inspiration.

    Have Five on Friday

  11. The door photo invites one to wonder the story behind it. I enjoyed reading your five stories and am glad for the happy ending in the fifth :)

  12. Good stories! Love books and read all the time, my Goodread's goal this year is 150 books and I'm currently at 109.

  13. You write beautifully Mascha and I always enjoy your photos. Thank you so much for sharing and happy weekend to you :)

  14. Mascha! Why have you not published a book?! You have more talent than most of the writers I read today. You could put it on, which is free to post and you could even charge for it. You must not let this talent go to waste. God has given you a gift which you need to share with the world. Please let us know when you have posted your first book so we can buy it.

  15. Thanks for linking to Monday WRites Mascha. I enjoyed your stories very much. I am reading right now 'Animal Farm' by George Orwell; its the book my book club will be discussing at our next meeting

    much love...

  16. I enjoyed all of your stories, I love reading so appreciated all of them.



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