Freitag, 9. September 2016

Friday Five and easy summer life

Good morning,
the week has flew away and it's time to join in Willy Nilly Friday,
And I will link up this post with Seasons and Visible Monday


We celebrate wonderful late summer days. 
It's just more summer, than in all the other time of this season.
I'm happy and grateful to have these easy days after all the stress and worries of last months.
On wednesday we were at a lovely little Asian restaurant here in our town, 
where we can sit in the garden.
We can eat in a restaurant only 2 to 3 times a year, the more we enjoy it.


The maple has seeds and the first leaves are falling down.
It's less the fall, but more the big drought, we had not rain for many weeks...


It requires some practice to use a hammock.
My first attempt was still more clumsy, but fortunately it wasn't photographed...


Outfit of the week is a summer dress by Joe Browns.
I'm so lucky, that I can wear it still in september.


At last some photos of our steam train.
I'm often stopped by it on my way to downtown, but I always like to see it.
It's a narrow gauge railway through the mountains,
the route length is 140 km, perfect for escapes in the nature.

Have a nice weekend.

23 Kommentare:

  1. Your setting is fabulous. So beautiful it looks like a movie scene. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures too.

  2. Your summer life looks splendid with such burst of color! Enjoy your weekend Mascha!

  3. Nice to see summer lingering around a while longer. Love the train shots!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. I love this time of year. The trees always look marvellous as they start to turn.

  5. Mascha, as always a wonderful series of images. Your flowers stopping me in my tracks...WOW!

  6. i love outside seating at a restaurant. hammocks can be a bit tricky! i am glad you are enjoying the last bits of summer and what a pretty summer dress! love your flowers too! thank you for linking mascha, have a great weekend!

  7. Beautiful flowers. The trees are dropping leaves here too. Like yours -- not enough water. I love trains... especially the narrow gauge railroads. Hammocks look so comfortable .. it's the getting in and getting out that is an adventure! Happy Friday.

  8. How I would love a ride into the woods on that train.

  9. Hi Mascha. What a beautiful place you live in. I so enjoyed seeing your fabulous photos. I would love to ride on that train!! Hugs, Pat

  10. Such colourful photos, you are so good at taking them. The flowers are beautiful as is your dress.

  11. Wonderful steam train shots! And I love that hammock...would enjoy having one under a shade tree myself! Sorry you have put up with such a many have suffered with that lately. California, where most of our food comes from, is in a really bad way! It affects us all. Glad your days are better now and you look happy! Great post! Have a wonderful end of summer!

  12. Beautiful flowers! So lovely to see. Thank you for joining in, I hope you have a great weekend! xx

  13. A wonderful post Mascha :) I liked all your photos very much. Enjoyed the hammock shots, the train, the one with the red parasol, your pretty dress, the train and those beautiful flowers. Happy Weekend :)

  14. Wunderbare Bilder. Genieße den Spätsommer. LG Anna.

  15. Such gorgeous photographs as usual! That dress is adorable and I do love a good hammock for a lazy afternoon of rest and relaxation!

    Thanks so much for linking up with me On the Edge of the Week. I hope to see you again this week. Have a fabulous day!


  16. Now I want a hammock! My father in law loves trains! Have a great week!

  17. Such a beautiful place to live and enjoy! Great dress too, thanks for linking! xo


  18. You are so talented with photography! Wished you could have a studio somewhere, so more people could enjoy your gift:) Awesome shots of the steam train! Have to say the lady was more graceful with the hammock - the man made me laugh:) (don't tell him!) Many thanks for sharing MORE of summer with SEASONS - so bright and happy:) have a great week, Mascha!

  19. I am laughing too;-) Greetings! The hammock-man

  20. Wonderful photos. The hammock-man looks like he might be having a bit of trouble there. Your dress looks so pretty and cool for these warm September days. It's been warm here, too for the past week or so. I don't mind at all, although a little rain would be welcome. Have a good week.

  21. Very nice post. - The train is really cool looking. Loved your summer dress, you look very cute wearing it. - The hammock looks like it's in a very pretty spot, I'd probably fall out of it. Gorgeous flowers.

  22. Herlige bilder av sensommerdager.
    Hengekøye er morsomt.

  23. Herlige bilder av sensommerdager.
    Hengekøye er morsomt.


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