Mittwoch, 28. September 2016

Invitation of the day

There are times when I have no idea
what comes next & it’s the thing I’ve
come to love most about being alive:
leaning in to hear the invitation
of each day & feeling my whole
body melt when I say
yes, yes, yes.

- storypeople -

(photos from my archive)

21 Kommentare:

  1. What a lovely purple invitation to a new day Mascha!

  2. Guten morgen Mascha,
    ich bin wieder begeistert von deinen Fotos.
    Und ganz stark von der vorletzten Arbeit.
    Farblich stimmig und so schön gemalt, ich wünschte, ich könnte das auch.
    Einen lieben Morgengruß von mir

  3. As much as I like to know what's next, life just doesn't cooperate so my faith helps me get through each day. Nice quote and lovely purple flowers.

  4. fantastic. So wunderschön, ich bin sprachlos. das ist einzigartig schön!!
    Liebe Grüße

  5. How wonderful !!
    I like very much your first photo.

  6. I love the flowers against the purple wall. What a great idea


  7. Sehr schöne Art sich zu inspirieren - ich mag Deine Seiten sehr...schönes Wochenende

  8. I enjoy very much looking at your facinating pages.
    Happy PPF xx

  9. Stunning photos and collage! Over the years my home was decorated in the colours in those beautiful photos!! I so enjoyed it for a decade!! Good to see you back!

    Hugs Giggles

  10. I really like the collages w/writing - tells a story!

  11. Yet another of your beautiful story peoples, The last one , the girl with the cat collage is my favourite

    much love...

  12. Wow these are all so dramatic. Each one pulling me in and then there is a surprise. I love them.

  13. Colourfull! Thanks for linking with my blog. Groetjes,

  14. really like all of the purple colour to everything :)

    Happy PPF :)
    Jennifer #45

  15. Fabulous flowers and lovely creations Mascha. Thank you so much for sharing with Today's Flowers :)

  16. Beautiful images and collage so artfully displayed here. Thank you for the 'eye candy.'


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