Sonntag, 14. Juni 2015


Roseburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

And a song : Eddi Reader "Bell,  Book and Candle"

This comes into my mind on this morning, when I read the phrase bell.
(and the weekly prompts of Our Beautiful World are always a nice morning meditation for me)
Have a great sunday all. 

5 Kommentare:

  1. Awesome, thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!

  2. ein tolles Bild zum Thema, danke fürs teilen auf "OBW"

  3. Fantastic photo! I, too, thought of a book when I saw the word prompt (Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar- I read it in college). So glad to have found you once again through Our Beautiful World.

  4. I just knew you would share another beautiful photo ... This is gorgeous ... So atmospheric! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW

  5. What a beautifully serene scene of the bell and surrounds. Thanks for sharing with Our Beautiful World


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