Freitag, 5. Juni 2015

Friday Five and green

Good morning,
it's friday again and I'm joining with Amy's and Tanya's Friday Five.
The time flies so fast...


Last week was to much stress and mess and I haven't managed to write a post
(my other posts are often prepaired for the whole week)


This week was not more better... but I've got two very good messages.
I had no more hoped that this happens.


Today I got an examination appointment with the doctor, but I'm up early enough to write a post.
Finally, after 5 months, my illness seems to be over.
Without doc, because in order to get appointments, always much to long wait.
Will certainly not learn what exactly it was. Complaints suddenly stopped 2 weeks ago.


Now the green is everywhere, it came "overnight" at the trees. Too much, it almost seems.
In my garden is green mess with columbines. It's a lovely mess!
And: I'm very enjoying of all the scents around.


At last an old disco track, what I like until today.
(I have this Maxi CD )

Have a great weekend all.

20 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful garden. Nice to hear you are feeling better.

  2. Five months is a long time, I'm glad to hear about the improvement. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Your garden is beautiful and so glad that you are feeling better. :) xx

  4. Beautiful garden and photos. Glad you feel better. :-)

  5. That is very good news, to be free of illness! Now you can really enjoy the beauty of summer, Mascha.
    I like 'wild' gardens, anyway, not that yours is

  6. oh mascha, i am so happy you are feeling better and what beautiful flowers you have shared with us! thank you for linking and have a super weekend!!

  7. So glad you are feeling better. Perhaps it was the beautiful colors of spring that 'cured' you. Sunshine always makes me feel better.

  8. Mascha, so glad you are feeling better, but maybe doctor can tell what was wrong. Your pictures are lovely as always.

  9. I hope your week is better than it has been. I sure am sorry you were sick for so long and don't know what was wrong! That's rough! But I am so glad that is over now for you! Just in time for feeling better, beautiful green and lovely, fragrant flowers! Love your photos!

  10. Glad to hear you are better and hope that whatever was wrong is gone for good. Beautiful garden. So green! Best wishes, Tammy

  11. So many pretty and beautiful flowers. I am glad that you are feeling much better again. Make sure to keep taking care of yourself. Thank you so much as always for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend. xx

  12. Such a beautiful garden, so green and lush! Glad you are feeling better. Have a lovely weekend x

  13. Lovely blooms in your garden. I'm visiting from Five on Friday/

  14. Lovely to see the Spring all around you. I can just imagine the scent!
    Sorry to hear your last weeks have been hard, but yay! Your two month illness has receded. How strange but also wow.
    Wishing you some better days in your lovely garden.
    Xo Jazzy Jack

  15. I hope you stay feeling better...and I have to say I love that third shot.

  16. I love your flowers. Our columbine is blooming, almost finished. The daisies are gorgeous and fresh faced
    My roses are finally opening! Happy SUMMERTIME here in Chicago finally

  17. Good that your symptoms have left, whatever the reason, thankful is the best course to take! :D You have such an amazingly beautiful garden. I look forward to seeing more photos in the future. I am visiting from Amy's Five on Friday. Oh and thanks for a link to the Willy Nilly Friday Five... it looks fun as well so now I guess I will have two places to play on Fridays! :D
    Hugs from a new friend in New Hampshire USA,
    Beth P

  18. So good to hear you are feeling much better. - Your flowers are so pretty. I use to have columbines in my garden but the winter would often kill them so I stopped planting them.
    I'm late with commenting due to company & the weekend. Here is my link:

  19. Lots of colorful blossoms! I'm so glad you're feeling better!


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