Dienstag, 2. Juni 2015


The azalea from this post is full blooming now.
It makes a nice tricolore with the allium and the columbine.

21 Kommentare:

  1. Awww so lovely to see in a Tuesday morning!

  2. wunderschöne Fotos, die weiße Akelei ist traumhaft. Die Azalee blüht ja auch wunderschön. Sie muß aber winterhart sein, wenn sie so im Beet wächst.
    Danke auch für Deine lieben Zeilen zu Mimi. Man muß sich erst dran gewöhnen, daß ein Familienmitglied fehlt. Achtzehn Jahre sind eine lange Zeit, die wir zusammen hatten.

    Liebe Grüße

  3. Beautiful photos, memories, colours and collages. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Beautiful floral photography!
    I hope you'll drop by http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/06/nesting.html to link up this week!

  5. I like the pretty colors. Beautiful blooms and lovely photos. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  6. Love the delicate flowers of the azalea bush. Great photos as usual, Mascha.

  7. How beautiful! Our azaleas are long gone - they bloom in March here. I'm always sad when they leave...they're one of my favorite flowers.

    Stopping by from create with joy

  8. Was für eine herrliche Blütenpracht !

  9. A great selection of colors. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  10. What a lovely garden you have. Have a nice weekend Mascha.

  11. Gorgeous colours! I love the azalea. Have a wonderful weekend.

  12. Oh wow.. These are so pretty and the colors so vivid.. Beautiful photos for Nature Notes.. Thank you.. Michelle

  13. Delightful shots and stunning macros, Mascha!
    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos, your contributions are always appreciated.


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