Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2015


Every day on the way home, he saw her sit and look over the lake.
Once he stopped and asked what she's doing here & she said, I look like the swans are swimming. As they glide effortlessly through the water.
 That reminds me that we all have something to be worn.
And she took her crutches and hobbled away.

7 Kommentare:

  1. Such a beautiful scene. The leaf colours reflecting gently in the water a delightful. And the arcing wave behind the swimming birds adds a very artistic depth to the photo.

  2. What a sweet and poignant short story. And your beautiful photo illustrates it perfectly. I loved this!

  3. Wonderful words and shot.

  4. The words fit the picture perfectly. Thanks for joining in today.

  5. A beautiful photo, and the words tugged at my heart! I am certain that she wished she could move about as freely and easily as the swans... and in the water perhaps she could! :-) When I lived in Germany I loved to sit at the park and watch all the lovely swans on the pond... I found the black ones especially beautiful!


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