Shared with Today's Flowers, Rosegarden Malevik, Weekly Top Shot
I Heart Macro, Macro Monday Mixer, Macro Monday 2, Small Monday
I Heart Macro, Macro Monday Mixer, Macro Monday 2, Small Monday
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How lovely to see those flowers! I always love purple color and flowers. My camera is nikon too! Thank you for sharing!
Dramatically! I love the dark ones :)
AntwortenLöschenBeautiful purple flower and great pictures, Mascha.
AntwortenLöschenThose flowers are gorgeous! Great photos!
AntwortenLöschenBeautiful picture.
AntwortenLöschenOh Mascha dear, how beautiful! Yes, I most often find the little things open my heart to the deepest gratitude. Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥
AntwortenLöschenSuch a gorgeous colour!