Donnerstag, 4. Juni 2015

Behind the hedge is a rhododendron

Here in our more urban area, where fences are not necessary in order to guard animals ... they are often replaced by hedges. I like this green and the density of old hedges gives a perfect privacy.
But there are also clear hedges with perspective, like a veil. If they are younger. Like this one.
I think, if they take good care, it remains beautiful in its clarity for a long time.

9 Kommentare:

  1. I like the natural hedge fence and the rhododendron. Lovely shots. Enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!

  2. wow, really beautiful! thanks, mascha!

  3. Pretty and the hedge is tall but it looks nice with pink flowers.

  4. What a nice hedge fence. I like that you showed the lovely Rhodie from both sides of the hedge fence.

  5. Very beautiful pink in full bloom!

  6. Such an enchanting hedge. I like the regular verticals of green framing the rhodo. Gorgeous photos.


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