Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015

X is for Xerxes

"Xerxes" is a baroque opera of the German composer Georg Friedrich Händel.
I think this music is familiar to most people, especially the aria "Ombra mai fu" - a wonderful timeless music.

I haven't own photos from this opera, but here are some images
of the Baroque garden in Blankenburg, Germany.
It breath the mood of this age until today.

9 Kommentare:

  1. those stone sculptures are very detailed! great word for 'x'!

  2. A very romantic place and gorgeous photos! I have just returned from England Mascha. No other countries this time.

  3. Sie haben mich sehr glücklich gemacht mit Händels Xerxes. Ich bin ein Fan von Händel und ich liebe diese Music.
    Vielen Dank.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  4. Loved the music and the pictures of the garden are gorgeous.

  5. beautiful music and lovely pictures.

  6. Beautiful! Getting in the right mood...

  7. Beautiful gardens, love the statues x #alphabetphoto


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