Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015

Santolina chamaecyparissus

I found this wonderful scented herb last sunday in a monastery garden.
In German it is called Heiligenkraut - Saints Herb (in matching to the monastery).
Of course, I've bought a little pot of it for my own garden

13 Kommentare:

  1. A great background for such a lovely garden. Beautiful.

  2. Einfach gigantisch dieses Heiligenkraut. Ich hatte es auch mal im Garten, ist mir aber eingegangen, ob es hier bei mir doch im Winter zu kalt war? Vlleicht kauf ich wieder welches. Ist einfach schön.

    Liebe Grüße

  3. Beautiful series, Mascha! I always love to visit you to see your photos, and I appreciate you sharing with us at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/06/the-other-worldly-insect-world.html

  4. Gorgeous scenery! What wonderful blooms-and fragrant to boot! Thanks for sharing your outdoor post on The Maple Hill Hop!

  5. Beautiful gardens, lovely flowers and images. Have a happy day!

  6. I love the building's architecture. Does the holy herb have a scent? There's certainly a lot of it in this beauitul garden.

  7. I used to have the yellow flower. I think an unusual cold winter done away with them. Love your peaceful shots and a peek at your world.

  8. What a lovely place with wonderful blossoms! The architecture of the building is quite interesting.

  9. what a beautiful plant! and even better because of its scent! these pictures are wonderful too!

  10. So beautiful! Love the tall yellow buds!

  11. Such a lovely garden. It is so serene! Have a grand day!

  12. I love the stone building. I have not seen that plant before, but I can see why you would like to get a pot of it for yourself. Thank you for linking in Mascha... Michelle


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