Montag, 22. Juni 2015

All the old stories...

He saw her in the sunshine dancing along the top of the wall & she had in her pursed skirt all the old stories of the people who had gone through the gate ... stories of meeting and parting, birth and death, love, heartache and all that stuff and she threw to him a star flower & smiled & says
Living es easy!

(The photo I had showed last week in my ABC-post and the comment of one visitor bought me on this idea)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely thoughts, great forest view along a solid old wall!

  2. so much texture and mystery in this image- I love your story, especially the picture in my mind of someone dancing on the wall.

  3. your story throws vivid images i catch like a ball well thrown

    thanks for linking in at Monday WRites

    much love...


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