Sonntag, 28. Januar 2018

The arrival

While my underground colors are drying, lets have a tea on my working desk.
Lets take a little break and tell a story.

Somewhere behind a dark river, there is a place for cat souls.
When a cat has used up her nine lives, her soul goes on the journey there.
Some cats are well protected and become very old. Loved and caressed by their people,
but never defended against accidents.
Cats often happen a lot -

And there are also those who live homeless, in fee and they consume
 their nine lives very quickly.
After 2 or 3 years, they go over.
There are diseases, hunger, pain, bad people, cars and machines, wild animals - 
their world is full of dangers.
After a long suffering or suddenly they leave their wounded bodies
 and go to the other place.
At first it gets very cold and dark, then the black water is there and a boat.
Everything feels light suddenly, the pain is extinguished and only the memory 
of a caressing hand perhaps, some sad loving words. 
Human's tears maybe...

There are other cats in the boat and they glide silently over the water in the darkness.
It's cold and they freeze at first.
But then it gets brighter and there is an island.
An angel has lit a fire and they jump over the edge of the boat 
to sit by the fireplace. 
Meeting other, unknowed or well knowed cats.
They tell each other about the human who were so painful to leave
or about their ecperiences in an  enemy world.
All memories flow together to a chronicle of the cats.
They forget of it all, but nothing is lost.
Now they are here and waiting for new bodies and next nine lives.
Often they don't wait for a long time and their journey leeds back to our world.
The memory of the dark river will fade.
Until next time.

Made this picture 25th of january, inspired by Try it on Tuesday's promt "Fire and ice"
The story came into my mind while painting.

and Tom may excuse me, that my Photos Tunes today are painting tunes.
I haven't any photos, fitting better to this old song.

33 Kommentare:

  1. Ein wunderschönes Kunstwerk.

    Vielen Dank für's Mitmachen bei TRY IT ON TUESDAY

  2. Das ist eine Hoffnung gebende Geschichte und ein wundervolles Bild dazu Mascha!Die Farben sind gewaltig miteinander! Toll!
    Bei uns Menschen ist es ganz ähnlich mit dem Sterben und wieder geboren werden!
    Die Seele muss so lange geboren werden bis sie die wahre Liebe geben und empfinden kann, erst dann darf sie im Lichtreich bleiben.
    Ich freu mich riesig das wunderbare Bild bei Try It On Tuesday zu sehen!
    Ganz liebe Grüße von

  3. Das ist einfach nur wunderschön , bin begeistert und staune still

  4. An absolutely stunning painting. It was a lovely post and story to read.
    Thank you so much for joining our Fire and Ice challenge at Try it on Tuesdays.

    1. Just called back in to send you Happy T day wishes today.
      Yvonne xx

  5. What a fantastic painting - mystic, I love the white cats!

  6. Wonderful painting! I love the white cats, they look very striking against the lovely blue background 😁. The colours you chose fit our Fire and Ice theme beautifully, thanks for joining us at Try it on Tuesday! J 😊

  7. ...your work area with the view out the window always looks so inviting! I love your angel. Thanks for sharing, take care and stop by when you can.

  8. Mascha, thanks for the invite to come sail away and have tea. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Liebe Mascha,
    so eine schöne, gefühlvolle Geschichte.
    Man spürt deutlich deine Liebe zu diesen schönen, liebenswerten Tieren.
    Gezeichnet hast du auch wieder sehr schön .
    Liebe Grüße

  10. Luv the aspect of your story which give cats an angel of salvation. Sweet painting

    Thank you for linking up at Monday WRites Mascha

    much love...

    P.S. luv the video it goes well with the story

  11. love the cat painting enjoy your day

  12. I love it when you take us to your beautiful studio. The view would be very distracting for me because I would be caught up in its beauty.

    However, the story you told was quite sad. I felt the cats pain and suffering. I felt the loss. But I was happy they found the angel and the fire in the end. This is a beautiful painting and a very moving story. Thanks for sharing your talents and your tea and fruit with us at T this Tuesday. It's very, very moving art.

  13. Your painting is fascinating. And your story is so emotional. It made me sad. But I must say I love your BIG work table and the view outside. I don't have an outside view and it does make me jealous. The light and the green would inspire me and I can tell that they might be part of your inspiration too. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

  14. what a lovely studio and view you have.
    Your story was very sad but it moved me and a good ending. Loved your painting and the colors were beautiful
    Happy T Day Kathy

  15. what a wonderful post. I love the creative story and the painting is fabulous as well as your chosen title. You have a really nice sized work space and the window light is perfect for what you do. Happy T day!

  16. Beautiful painting and the lovely story really adds to it.. i thought i would like to paint on a flat surface but i have found i like at least a slight angle.. Do you paint flat like shown? Hugs and Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  17. It's beautiful to think of the cats finding peace after their 9 lives :) Happy T Tuesday

  18. Such a interesting and creative painting!
    Happy Tea day,

  19. Such a beautifully written story and painting, Mascha. I have tears streaming down my face. You have such a tender heart and wonderful writing style. I'm really enjoying our visits - despite the tears ;-)

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  20. This is an amazing painting and a truly wonderful story to accompany it! Thank You so much for joining us at Try It On Tuesday! Belated happy T day! Chrisx

  21. The painting and story are very creative! You are quite the artitist. Oh, and I like the music, too. I can imagine you painting to it. Thank you for the story and tea. I am rather late for T Stamds for Tuesday, so happy rest of the week.

  22. Oh Mascha, what a fabulous story and painting! I loved them both!

  23. A great story and artwork Mascha. Happy PPF!

  24. Such an impressive story and artwork~~ Wow good job! A great metaphor for many humans too! Beautifully done!!

    Peace Giggles

  25. What a wonderful story and painting! Must be a great island with all the cats :-) Happy PPF!

  26. I love to make up stories while I am painting, I think it's gives the piece more depth. For everything there is a purpose!

  27. I enjoyed your very moving story and love the painting as the end of the story.

  28. The painting is alive, even without your story, but the story makes the painting even more significant! I love the bright colors. This would be great as a story in a children's book! And you painted this on my anniversary (but I was sick, so I didn't celebrate it) - thank you Mascha!


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