Freitag, 12. Januar 2018

Only from the heart can you touch the sky

(A quote of Rumi and a song in Romanian)

12 Kommentare:

  1. Wundervolle Fotos und Collagen! Schönes Wochenende!

  2. Lovely post and I wish you a beautiful weekend, take care...
    Love from Titti

  3. ...Masha, such a lovely post.You have so many beautiful images paired with this tune. Thanks for the visit, take care and stop back when you.

  4. Beautiful tree, especially when the sunlight falls on it (your 3rd capture). and blue lipstick - how daring - but it does look good on her! As always your art jumps out at me to enjoy! Have a great week and thanks for sharing with All Seasons!

  5. Mascha, Jonathan Livingston Seagull would be proud. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Such beautiful clear blue sky . . . I hope you are warm enough (it is very cold here this year) - I haven't posted much lately - somehow I haven't fit the rhythm back in to my weeks. I am wishing You and Your Mother the very best. love & love, -g-

  7. Wonderful collection of photos this week!

  8. Glad you stopped by at


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