Freitag, 5. Januar 2018

Friday Five and New Year

Good morning,
it's the first friday in this year and I should
join again with Tanya's Willy Nilly Friday Five.
I'm very worn out at the moment
(and, maybe, I should take a break from blogging?)
I'm also sharing this post with Jesh's All Seasons


My mother came out of the hospital at december 22th, 
they could nothing do for her.
She's just at home again and tody is her 91th birthday.
With today's day ends our celebration time.
Except Solstice, Christmas and New Year we have two birthdays in this time.
It's not a blessing, if there is a lot wrong with a family, but everyone has to pretend
 that everything is fine and necessarily keep the traditions... 
Celebrations are always the most difficult time in the year.
I'm glad, that it's over soon!


I got this wonderful gift from my love: the Wild-fruits-book of Henry David Thoreau.
Written like a kind of daybook and more than a book about plants and fruits.
The philosopher's view of nature can be very enriching for one's own life.
Even today or just today...
This book is truly a treasure and will go with me through this year.


This was all my Christmas decoration this one,
everyday life swallowed all my energy.


Solstice we have celebrated outdoor, als always, here are more photos.
Tha't our own celebration, without the rest of family.
Only my sweetheart and I...


Good intentions for the new year?
I absolutely must have more free space for my well-being
and I so wanna have time for paint and creative things.
Don't know, what comes next and can b realized this...
But a least I took the goal to finish all my "knitting ruins",
which I begun some years ago ;-)

Have a nice weekend and a lucky and healthy year

10 Kommentare:

  1. ...Mascha, take good care of yourself, it's always a delight to see your post.

  2. I'm with Tom ... take good care of yourself. You are dealing with so much. I liked your decorations -- simple and lovely. The Thoreau book looks wonderful. Happy New Year!

  3. Ich wünsche Dir alles Liebe und dass Du auch genug Ruhe findest! Deine Weihnachtsdeko ist wunderschön - was braucht es mehr? Oh was für eine tolle Ausgabe von Thoreau - ich hab kürzlich "Walden" als Hörbuch in Deutsch genossen, hat mir sehr gefallen.
    Hab ein schönes Wochenende und vielleicht findest DU ab und zu Zeit für Deinen Blog!
    Alles, alles Liebe!

  4. Alles Liebe dir, liebe Mascha, im neuen Jahr. Möge es dir die Zeit für dich bringen, die du brauchst. Ach ja, Thoreau begleitet mich auch seit vielen Jahren. Herzlich grüßt Ghislana

  5. Ach, der herrliche blaue Beinwell, Schnee, minimalistische Weihnachtsdeko, wilde Früchte & der Traum vom Weiterstricken. Das sind schöne Winterthemen - ich wünsche Dir, dass Du trotz Allem ausreichend Zeit für Deine Vorhaben hast …
    Ganz liebe Grüße schickt Silke

  6. I'm so sorry for your Mom's illness, and your stressful holiday time. I am hoping the new year brings only good things to you. I loved that book gift you received! Blessings dear friend!

  7. It's sad when we let tradition dictate our life, to our detriment. I do hope you and everybody else feel better soon. A new year is a great time for new things.

  8. So sorry to here about your mother! It is so hard to watch our loved ones suffer! Wishing her some comfort and relief from any pain she might be having.

  9. When I was in school years ago, I enjoyed reading Henry DAvid Thoreau. Enjoy your new year!

  10. I am sorry about your mom Mascha and you take care of yourself...your house looks very festive for the holiday! I hope you have a wonderful year! Thank you for linking 😊


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