Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018

T stands for tuesday - or treasures -

It's wintertime and it's tuesday.
Let's have a green tea with honey in my working room.
Let's take a little break from alldays life.
A break, a free from all "to-doe's"  day is always a big treasure for me.
Lucky, when I have one in the month.
Last friday was such a free day and finally I could paint again.

The angels, which I painted in december, are no more with me.
They found a new home with my parents in law.
May they accompany my father in law on his last and difficult life part.
That's a good job for angels...

I bought in sale some canvas-cards and stretcher with canvas.
I've not painted on canvas before, always took paper or wood.
It's another feeling on canvas and it somehow demands different painting technique.
Not so good with acrylic and my most beloved pastels in one picture.
As I often did...

Well, I must learn it, the first try is truly not a masterpiece.
Maybe, an illustration for a story (?)

The story behind this picture is, that my sweetheart sometimes sees a three-legged cat.
Fourth leg seems injured and she looks very ill and hungry.
I go through this street two or three times a day, but I've never seen her.
She has to be homeless and she knows how to hide.
Not all people are friendly.
Some kick or shoot for her and she must be very suspicious.

It makes me always sad, when cats are injured and hungry
 and have no home in cold times.
Would take her to me home, but I cannot help.
She must come by herself. 

My own cat was such a homeless cat too, with a broken leg...
I put her a small wooden hut with warm blanket in the yard in one winter, long time ago.
I fed her every day, but it took a few months for her to find trust and come in home.

Today she's a very tender and good cat, she cares for me, when I'm sick...
But she has remained suspicious of all people, except me.
She hates visitors...

 I think, all cats are good cats, all can be treasures for us humans 
 if we give them a chance.

Now I go every night to the street and put food in a box (against rain and snow).
It has disappeared in the morning.
Hope, she found it or another cat (and not the racoons).
That's all, what I can do.
I hope, she will show up and come to me.
Or at least she has an angel, who's caring for her.
So many cats are outside, so many jobs for a lot of angels!

24 Kommentare:

  1. Aw poor kitty. I do like your picture and maybe the cat will show up when you feed it. You rescued cat is a beauty.

  2. You created a beautiful scene in your home with your tea pot and cup. The entire scene is both mesmerizing and calming. It is a gorgeous view outside, too.

    You have made a beautiful canvas, even though you don't think it's all that good. I loved it. And I am a cat person, so I adore that you are trying to save that poor homeless kitty with the bad leg. And your rescued cat is adorable. I can relate to my Squiggles who is MY cat, period. When others come over, he hides and won't come out. Bleubeard is a social animal and gets all kinds of praise and attention that Squiggles just simply refuses.

    Thank you so much Mascha for sharing this wonderful art and your tea time with us for T this Tuesday. You are an angel in your own right!

  3. Du bringst mir Tränen und Freude gleichzeitig ins Herz mit diesem Post Mascha! Ich wünschte alle Menschen wären so feinfühlig und geduldig - an unserem Umgang mit Tieren und Mitmenschen erkennen wir unseren Charakter ! Ich hoffe Dein schönes Bild wird wahr und der Schutzengel sorgt für Euren dreibeinigen Schützling!
    Wunderbar Dich bei T-S-F-T zu treffen. Da freu ich mich riesig!
    Werde auch gerne zu Deiner Color of hope challenge verlinken, hatte nur ein kleines Problem mit dem InLInkstool..habs Dir aber dort ohnehin auch geschrieben!
    Liebe Grüeß

  4. ...Mascha, a post filled with treasures and hope. A lovely ideas to set angels free to help and be of comfort to others. I always enjoy the views through your windows. Thanks for sharing this week, take care and stop back when you can.

  5. Susi hat genau das gesagt, was ich auch empfinde.
    Es ist so lieb, dass du dich um diese armen Katzen kümmerst.
    Nicht Jeder würde das tun.
    Mir tun auch immer alle Tiere leid, die einsam und hungrig, manchmal verletzt sind.
    Hier in der Stadt komme ich nicht damit in Verbindung.
    Bisher jedenfalls.
    Aber ich würde auf jeden Fall den Tierschutz informieren, sollte ich Misstände entdecken.
    Dein Bild ist schön !
    Und deine Katze ist eine sehr weise Katze.
    Eure Schwingungen scheinen zusammen zu harmonieren !
    Sei lieb gegrüßt

  6. Now your kitty has a good home. :) I am like you, I feel sad for all the animals who are homeless. cats and dogs. I think your work looks good. And you are a wonderful person to help all the kitties. :) You have some beautiful photos too.Have a happy T day! Hugs-Erika

  7. this was such a special post you are an angel for caring hugs Your photos are lovely and yes please I would love a cup of tea. thank you so much for stopping by to visit me Happy T Day Kathy

  8. Oh my, what a moving story and I do hope the cat finds you soon! I think you may be the angel he/she is looking for, it's wonderful that you search the streets and leave out food 😁. Your painting is beautiful and I adored seeing your pretty cat who looks very content with her life with you. Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos and wishing you a Happy T Day! J 😊

  9. Mascha, enjoyed your work in pastels. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Your painting is gorgeous and shows your feelings for the homeless cat really well. I can tell it is painted from your heart after reading your post. The photos are all lovely and you own cat looks so happy and content.
    Happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

  11. What a beautiful snow! That iron teapot is exactly the style that always tempts me to bring a third tea pot into the house. So far I've resisted, but that one is lovely :) I enjoyed hearing the tale of your cat and agree with your desire to care for the homeless creatures. Cats are rightly suspicious of people, but I hope this poor thing y'all have spotted comes to trust in your loving, generous spirit. Happy T Tuesday

  12. The treasures of quiet time to do what one loves, of a warm cup of tea, of a furry friend...great treasures, Mascha! Loved that tree with the bench around it, and your beautiful artwork!

  13. what a lovely peaceful home and village you live in. I enjoyed the art and the story of your sweet cat. I will pray for the outdoor cats safety poor little creature. I have three rescue cats that give me such joy!

  14. What a beautiful post, Mascha. I have tears in my eyes over your father-in-law's final journey (accompanied by your angels) and the bittersweet story about the homeless cat(s). You write beautifully. I wonder if you've published any of your stories.

    I especially love the photos of your addopted cat staring out over the rooftops and the still life of the tea pot and candles.

    Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

  15. The winter scene is beautiful. Enjoyed the kitty pics and you are a godsend to the homeless kitty. Happy Tuesday!

  16. The story of the cat is sad but you are so kind to feed it...your painting is beautiful and so is your own kitty ❤

  17. The story of the cat is sad but you are so kind to feed it...your painting is beautiful and so is your own kitty ❤

  18. Lovely painting. Hope kitty is well.
    Happy T day!

  19. Everything is so beautiful. From your pretty teapot to your lovely painting.
    Happy Tea Day,

  20. Irgendwann wirst Du sicher ihr Herz gewinnen, aber wie bei Merula wird das sicherlich viel Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Und dann? Ob Merula damit klarkommt? Und ob Murrer einen 'Mitesser' akzeptiert? Trotz dieser Bedenken ist es so schön, dass Du Dich um sie kümmerst. Vor allem trotz Deinem schmalen Budget.
    Ich muss bei Deiner Geschichte gleich wieder an die beiden japanischen Märchen denken. Ich mag die Geschichten unheimlich gern :-) Das Cover hat einen Ehrenplatz neben meinem Bett im Regal. Nicht nur, weil mich das Buch an einen der letzten Tage mit Maus erinnert - als ich die Geschichten in ihrer Gegenwart auf dem sonnigen Balkon las. Ich hoffe, Dir ergeht es irgendwann auch wie im Märchen …
    Liebe Grüße schickt Dir Silke

  21. I was touched by what you wrote about your father-in-law's final journey. I firmly believe angels will come and accompany people to heaven when the time comes.
    It's sad to hear about the stray cat with a poorly leg. I hope you find him/her.
    Your cat looks lovely. Very beautiful. Our cat has a similar back ground. He only sits with my husband (who is the one who always fed him outside in the street.)
    Happy belated T-Day,

  22. what a charming tale behind your lovely angel art! so sweet that you were able to rescue your cat, and what beautiful photos of your feline friend. Hope you are able to find out about the 3-legged cat. you are doing good things! happy Tea day ~ very late!

  23. That is awesome that you are caring for cats. You are one of their angels for sure. They get such a bad rap sometimes and some people do mistreat them. We don't have as many strays here as we use to. I usually have had a cat or more over the years, but as I age..we only now have the one dog. Glad they are being watched out for by you. They are blessed. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles


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