Freitag, 26. Januar 2018

Friday Five and narrow gauge railway

Good morning,
the week is gone so fast and it's friday again,
time for Willy Nilly Friday Five.
And I also share this post on sunday with All seasons.


Our weather is crazy.
At the beginning of the week we had some snow
and now we have mild temps and spring in the air.


Today in the morning, still in the dark, when I opened the window
I heard a lot of birds, like in spring.
I like these dark mornings, time before the daybreak.
The space outside of my window seems so very wide and here sings a bird
and there sings another - that's a real stereo-effect.
Like to stand by the open window and listen to this natural concert.


Had some free hours for painting.


When I'm going home from downtown, I often must stop by the railway barrier.
Take some photos, when my little camera is with me.


Have some flowers in my home.
It was a big bouquet, these are the rests of it. 
Enjoys me a long time.

Have a nice weekend

9 Kommentare:

  1. Sehr schöne fotos. Das Wetter ist wirklich sehr wechselhaft in diesem Jahr. Die alte Dampflok ist ja klasse. Kaum zu glauben.
    Liebe Grüße

  2. ...I always enjoy the view out your window and the train images bring the little boy out of me. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Herlige bilder !
    God helg fra Anne-Mari

  4. Schöne Formulierung für den Blumenstrauß: "Genießt MICH lange"
    Bon week-end!

  5. Your train shots in the snow were very nice. We haven't had a lot of snow this year (which is okay with me) Having fresh flowers is always nice. I use to hate hearing birds chirp (especially in the morning) but now I actually enjoy it.

  6. The first one looks like a beautiful still life painting! Happy you are taking some hours off to do what you love: painting:):) The second capture of the train coming from the right side is a gorgeous moment! Thank you for sharing these beautiful moments in winter with All Seasons Mascha:) And decreeing complete physical healing over you!

  7. I am happy for you with the first signs of spring - birds singing! We love trains, so thanks for these very interesting pictures!

  8. Always love a train picture! Spring will be here before we know it! Thank you for linking Mascha!


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