Freitag, 19. Januar 2018

Friday Five and random pictures

Good morning,
it's friday again and time for Willy Nilly Friday Five.

About the last two weeks is nothing to say, the alldays life takes all my energy.
Well, let's share five random blue photos, my blog is just in a blue colormood.
I like to continue the color through a few posts.

The first photo is new, the others are from my archive.

At last a "blue" song.
I'm a little synaesthete and the voice of Alexander Veljanov sounds blue for me.

Have a nice weekend

6 Kommentare:

  1. Ein toller blauer Post! Ich mag die Stimmung sehr...
    Bon week-end!

  2. i love these mascha...especially the train photo! that poor little doll looks sad being left behind :( thank you so much for linking up and i wish you a wonderful weekend!!

  3. You have an ACTUAL Blue Book!!! How wonderful.
    I am sorry your days are challenging . . .
    And grateful you share with us.
    love & love, -g-

  4. Have a lovely weekend now! Always so nice visiting your blog...
    Love from Titti

  5. These are awesome images! I really like the sky and clouds.

  6. Fantastisk fine bilder med blått som tema !!
    Jeg er også glad i blått :)

    God søndag frå Anne-Mari


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