Sonntag, 21. Januar 2018

The first snowfall

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. 
You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different,
and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?

- J. B. Priestley - 


8 Kommentare:

  1. Genau so sehe ich es auch! Der gute alte Priestley ( "An Inspector Calls" aus meinem Englischunterricht unvergessen...)
    Eine gute neue Woche!

    1. Liebe Mascha, du schriebst bei mir, dass es in deiner Gegend keine Gleichgesinnten gäbe. Kennst du nicht Mano? Sie wohnt in Sickte bei Braunschweig ( Oder Ulkau? Sie wohnt in Kassel ( ). Schau dir mal ihre Blogs an!

  2. ..."The first fall of snow is not just an event, it's a magical event," how true! Each year I look forward to the magical first snow. Your snow scenes and tune are lovely. Thanks for sharing, take care and please stop back when you can.

  3. Mascha, that first snowfall is the best. Thanks for sharing.

  4. beautiful snowy scenes and i love the quote mascha!

  5. Lovely images.
    Thank you for joining us once again at our weekly linkup! I always enjoy what you have to share.

  6. I always felt the same when I lived where it snowed all winter! It gives the world a little bit of magic.

  7. Such beautiful photos of the snow, Mascha, especially so as we had a maximum of 42˚C where I am!
    Thank you for taking part in the My Sunday Best Meme.


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