Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018

An adventure in colors...

... or: fire and ice

Outside of my window is ice and snow.
Insinde of my room is cozy warmth.
And this is a completely unplanned picture.
I had no idea what I wanted to paint.
Took colors and started an adventure.
Maybe I should do that more often?

Made for Try it on Tuesday, Art Journal Journey 
Paint Party Friday , Weekend Journal Page

(If you miss my photo-collage-stories, they are here)

21 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, das hast du toll gemalt !
    Die Farben, der ganze Aufbau, wirklich beeindruckend.
    Ich bin noch am rätseln, was ich machen könnte, irgendwie ist grad die Luft raus bei mir.
    Liebe Grüße

  2. ...a plan isn't always necessary.

  3. Wow! Your art is beautiful!
    Alison x

  4. Wunderbar gemacht ! Das sieht toll aus! Dankeschön für das Mitmachen bei Try It On Tuesday!

  5. Your Art adventure looks great, very frosty. Well done.
    Dear Greetings

  6. This is a really beautiful painting. Thank you for sharing it with us all at Try it on Tuesdays.

  7. Und ganz lieben Dank für's auch Verlinken zu Art Journal Journey!

  8. Very beautiful work! Yes you should do that more because it turns out so well!

    Peace Giggles

  9. I love it! You were definitely inspired!

  10. Everyone should take an art adventure, and yours looks so cool, glad you're warm and toasty inside.

  11. Wow this is wonderful. Great colors.

  12. oooh, I like your art adventure. Nice colors.

  13. Love the colors. Trying new things often sets us an another path. I like that.

  14. Wow! Love the way these colours sweep across your page! So pleased you joined us at Try It On Tuesday!Chrisx

  15. Good going on that adventure Mascha


  16. Ja! Schöne Arbeit :-)

    Der Tisch erinnert an meinen, das Fenster/drumherum sieht schön aus!

    Happy PPF

  17. This is such a fabulous page, it really has a very cold frosty look to the scene.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Try it on Tuesday
    Avril x

  18. Beautiful .... I love the splashes of red in there.

  19. Mascha, you have the right mindset for art 0 it's an adventure!! Very clearly on your painting work you are in ice and cold weather!
    Thank you so much for linking to Weekend Journal Page - sorry, am reacting so late, haven't been feeling well all week. Have a great week and stay warm:)


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