Dienstag, 2. Januar 2018

New year, new adventures

New year, new adventures is the prompt of this month at Art Journal Journey.
I have a difficult time with my 91years old mother and that takes often all my energy.
But I want to try to live more attentively and
 to include the lunar calendar more in my life.
Wanna more consciously listen to music and paint again.
Make adventures with colors...

(My own paper collages, painting and photos digitally edited)

16 Kommentare:

  1. Wunderschön auch hier im Pointillismus Look Deine schönen Seiten - eine tolle Idee !
    Ja der Mondkalender - ich vergesse leider immer, dass ich da eigentlich drauf achten möchte. Viel Spaß dabei und alles Liebe für Deine Situation mit der Mutter. Viel Kraft!
    Ich sage ein herzliches Dankeschön für diese wunderschönen Seiten zum "Neues Jahr -Neue Abenteuer" Thema bei Art Journal Journey!
    Liebe Grüße

  2. Wow. These are gorgeous. Loving the colors and the collage feel. How do I pick a favorite? I think the arches and the outdoor leaves and branches, but really they are all so beautiful! I am so glad you joined us at AJJ, and I hope you find time for art. It will make you a better caregiver for your mother for sure. (I know all about that as I have to help care for my 88 year old mother, not ever day, but often enough.) Please join us again soon. Hugs-Erika

  3. I just LOVE these pointillist paintings <3 They are fabulous. Take care, it is tough with elderly parents...

  4. Beautiful creations Mascha, love the colours. I cannot choose a favorite, the one is even better than the other. I know how tough it can be to care for parents, I do this already several years, my mother is now 96 years old......
    Wish you a Happy and Healthy 2018!

  5. Wow! Your collages are so beautiful and inspiring Masha!
    May your new year dreams come true!
    Alison xox

  6. Apologies for mis-spelling your name Mascha! x

  7. Ich drück' Dir die Daumen, dass es dafür Zeit, Raum und Energie gibt!
    LG Silke

  8. Amazing images dear Mascha, one nicer than the other. A fantastic special style and nice soft colors. I am very impressed.
    Happy New Year
    Dear Greetings

  9. You KNOW how much I LOVE your collages, but your paintings are simply out of this world. And being able to digitally edit is yet another feather in your cap. You seem to be able to do it all. Thanks for joining us at Art Journal Journey this year, Mascha.

  10. Beautiful pages! Stunning art work! Happy new year to you!

  11. What a wonderful start to the new year - lovely colours!
    I've been very aware of the moon recently - maybe astrological changes are prompting us.
    Happy New Year!

  12. Your artwork is awesome. Such delicateness.

  13. I am guessing these are all water colors, right? Love each and every one of them. Wow! the color and the way each one is put together, the art, the design, -- everything simply mind blowing to me. LOVE..LOVE..for each piece.

  14. WOW! What gorgeous works of art you have created here! I am in awe of each and every one of them!!!


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