Freitag, 24. Januar 2014

Random 5 Friday

I keep trying to approach the english language to . More of her rhythm to capture.
I just do not always read, but write even short poetic texts by myself.
This I translate with google translator in English .
Then I look at, how it looks like and do most anything else in it. To make it more harmonious
Maybe I do something more grasp the language (?)

I never learned English, not in school and not later. Only now. 
It is my very own method of learning, only for myself, but I shall never be able to speak it .
If I only learn to read and write.

Russian I learned from listening and then recognized over the sound. 
Of course it's not perfect, but it shows me more the beauty of the language.

My native language is German . 
But it is often the case that I think individual words and phrases in Russian. Simply because they sound nicer to me.
When I saw the failed blurred photo (below) , I immediately thought
( Dvizheniye - movement , motion)
In German it is called Bewegung.
In Russian it sounds much nicer for me.
And now I have made ​​a small text in English to the photo .
Attempts to connect the three languages ​​for me.


A movement

I wear my gray cape
which have knitted
from magic wool ...
I whisper the words
and I turn and turn
and already I fly
around the world
where only I like
in my dreams.
So long!

Have a nice magical weekend all.

Shared with Nancy's Random 5 Friday @Rural Journal

20 Kommentare:

  1. You're doing better than I am! At least you understand more than one language :) I studied Spanish for four years when I was a teenager but don't remember much of it at all. It sure would come in handy now.

    I love that photo and your cape is beautiful. you knitted that? Wow! I would love to learn how to knit.
    Have a blessed weekend, Mascha :)

    1. I think we unlearn many things again if we do not use it.
      30 years no Russian belongs (in radio no longer can't receive) and I had almost forgotten much. Except for the fine-sounding words.
      Only now, through the Internet, new recalls ....
      No, I did not knit itself. But before I knit much itself only by inflamed joints I had to give it up. But I want to do it again -

  2. Your English is much better than some who were born speaking the language! It's good to broaden your learning and languages is a good way to grow!!!

  3. Oh I love your gray magic cape it is beautiful as are your words. I admire your language skills. B

  4. I do believe learning a second language as a young person makes it much easier to retain. Beautiful cape!

  5. German and Russian are such different languages. I would think English - which has so many words from the same beginnings - would be easier for you to learn.

    1. Oh yes, it's easier.
      To learn Russian took longer.
      Only the pronunciation of the English missing me now

  6. What a beautiful post!! :) My grandmother spoke a little German when I was young and she didn't want me to understand what she was talking about! :)

    1. This can be a big fun! I went with a woman from Russia here on a flea market and we talked openly about all the far too expensive scrap ...

  7. Liebe Mascha,
    ich bin voll Bewunderung für Dich. Zwei Sprachen hast Du Dir selbst beigebracht. Alle Achtung!
    Ich hab mit dem Lesen und Kommentieren auf amerikanischen Blogs angefangen um meinen umgangsprachlichen Wortschatz zu verbessern. Das hat gut funktioniert und sogar mein Redeenglisch flüssiger gemacht.
    Ich wünsch Dir ein ganz schönes Wochenende im wahrscheinlich verschneiten Harz!
    LG Sabine

    1. Russisch hatten wir natürlich auch in der Schule, aber da hat keiner viel gelernt (und frag mich jetzt nicht nach Grammatik-/Theorie!). Das Gefühl für die Sprache, ihren Klang... habe ich durch Radio hören bekommen damals.
      Englisch hätte ich auch haben können seinerzeit (Wahlfach), aber damals hatte ich keine Lust und keine Notwendigkeit. - Wer hätte vor 40 Jahren gedacht, dasz es mal solche Möglichkeiten wie Internet geben würde und Reisen ging ja damals für uns auch nicht. Die erlaubten Länder - da kam man sowieso mit Russisch weiter... und slawische Sprachen haben mich immer fasziniert.
      Du schreibst manchmal Polnisch, das mag ich auch sehr, aber kann es leider nur wenig, aus einem Urlaub "mitgebracht"...
      Ich wünsch Dir auch ein schönes weiszes WE

  8. What a great explanation of learning language. I have a friend that needs that cape. It is beautiful.

  9. Wonderful post. I love your magical cape and your delightful poem. Around the world -- in languages and dreams.

  10. This surely IS a magical cape.

    Your language quest impresses me.
    Magical Week to YOU!!!

  11. My Polish grandmother spoke no English. I spoke no Polish. Yet we were able to communicate. Funny how that worked out.

  12. I would love to learn another language as well--Good for you! And I want to learn to knit. Especially from magical yarn! Lovely!

  13. It is awesome that you are learning to read and write English. I don't speak any other language and had never throught about learning to just read and write one.

  14. I love your cape, and your poem. I admire your interest in learning new languages.

  15. Liebe Mascha,
    vielen dank für deinen Besuch bei mir, hat mich sehr gefreut. Deine Sprachkenntnisse sind sensationell!
    lieben Gruß von

  16. I think you're doing beautifully Mascha! I grew up speaking Czech, Russian and German and later immigrated to Canada. The phonetic languages are just so much easier than English. My German is pretty rusty though. Must get back to Austria and brush up on it. :)


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