Samstag, 11. Januar 2014


I promise you not a moment will be lost as long as I have heart & voice to speak & we will walk again together with a thousand others & a thousand more & on & on until there is no one among us who does not know the truth: there is no future without love.

- storypeople -

Photos of  St. Wiperti-Cemetery in Quedlinburg, Germany

The UNESCO World Heritage Quedlinburg With its many treasures of historic buildings has truly offer the preservationists and interested in the subject overwhelming. This also applies to the Sepulkralkultur on the two suburban cemeteries Wiperti St. and St. Servati .

The cemetery of St. Wiperti belongs to the three-aisled basilica of the same name on the grounds of the royal court , Henry I , son of Otto the Illustrious . Its origin dates back to the year 936 . Of particular importance is the erected around 1000 dealing with crypt Ottonian Pilzkapitellen and arched niches .

On three sides the Basilica is surrounded by the cemetery. The plain to the mountain chapel is largely filled with graves of the present. The Chapel Hill , however, carries a large number of baroque family graves very special way: they have been worked out as a vault in two superimposed floors in a long line from the rock. Here especially families of wealthy citizens of Quedlinburg city , canons and clerics have their final resting place . Almost all Grabgelasse are closed with massive vaulted arches of basket oak doors with small round window grilles. The gratings are designed in the motives crown of thorns , anchor and directed downward erlöschender torch. Most of the lower arch are at ground level , but sometimes down two tiers .

The upper layer of the grave vault has been applied offset to the rear . One reason is the ventilation of the lower tombs : From the bottom of the second floor of her serving tubes are extended . This guarantees through the open window grille , a steady exchange of air.

This facility is north of the Alps is unique and is a listed building . Your state is different : Some vaults have been restored and renovated recently. Most bear evidence of their years , but there are also very vulnerable , which, however , because occasionally open to allow a view into the interior .

When the Wipertifriedhof around the middle of the 19th Century was almost occupied, acquired the evangelical church to the new burial place of St. Servati . Again, grave vaults were built after the pattern of the neighborhood , but bricked classic. The conservation status is different, in whole but not as good as on St. Wiperti . On St. Servati are often grave locations on two levels - also down - to be found . One of the tombs is now used as a columbarium .

The tomb of the famous family of Quedlinburg , the poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724 - 1803) , one looks at the Wipertifriedhof but in vain . Your underground vault near the Church is not obtained. But who wants to pay homage to the great Klopstock, can do that in the immediate vicinity of Hamburg : his grave , which is his two wives and his child to find in the cemetery of the Christian Church in Ottensen .
- Albrecht Schreiber - 

8 Kommentare:

  1. Wunderschön die Figuren mit liebvoller Ausstrahlung.
    Was für ein geschichtsträchtiger Ort.

    Schönes Wochenende!


    1. Ja, das ist ein einzigartiger Ort und ich bin glücklich, ihn nach vielen Jahren endlich mal wiedersehen zu können (dank des Autos eines Besuchers). Habe ganz viele Bilder gemacht dort, die kommen alle noch rein hier...
      Liebe Grüsze und ein schönes WE

  2. What an amazing place. Fantastic picture.

    Thank you for linking up with Cemetery Sunday.

    Beneath Thy Feet

  3. Beautiful photos and really interesting post!

  4. fascinating story and images, thanks for sharing and taking part of Travel Photo Mondays

  5. good photos, thanks for sharing; have a nice Tuesday

    much love...

  6. Oh Mascha, was für wundervolle, weiße Figuren!!! So viel Schönheit und Liebe steckt in jeder einzelnen! Unbeschreiblich schön!!! Ich kann verstehen, dass Du diesen Ort magst!
    Ebenso wundervoll wie dieser Ort, ist Dein Liedergruß!!! Ich höre das Lied gerade als Endlosschleife :) Hab ganz, ganz lieben Dank dafür!!!


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