Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

A place of nice shadows...

I like shadow.
I like the play of light, which gives the objects changing shape.
I could watch it for hours, this game.
Shadows are everywhere in everyday life.
Here in the house and outside.
A striking feature of the shade is the princely wine terrace at Wernigerode Castle for me.
Already on the way to it the shade of the trees ...
And then the place itself with its railings and the pergola.
Just like the set in a theater always opens up new, diverse shade.
Here are but a few pictures, taken on different days.

21 Kommentare:

  1. so many splendid shadows. I love the image of the shadows on the stairs.

  2. These are GREAT!!!

    Yesterday i was trying to explain to someone how i enjoyed shadow pictures . . . they could not understand what i was trying to communicate - This morning, i find YOU have a similar, understanding heart.

    Thank you for sharing . . You are really Great at this.

    1. Some people will never understand. My experience: say something in images is often better than in words...
      Have a nice new week :-)

  3. These are some gorgeous shots!

  4. What beautiful photos!!! And such a lovely place! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!!

  5. great post, I also love looking for shadows and patterns and try to incorporate into my photos in an unusual or interesting compostion.

  6. I love those scrolly shadows on the steps. Shadows are a project for my Photography Group one month this year. You have given me some ideas! Have a wonderful week. I am joining you through Our World Tuesday

  7. The shadow scrolls on the steps are fantastic!

  8. A beautiful set of photos. I like shadow pictures too.

  9. Das Schattenspiel der verschiedenen Geländerformen auf den unterschiedlichen Untergründen beeindruckt mich wirklich :-)
    Lg Silke

  10. a beautiful place and you have a wonderful set of images depicting the various dances of light within it~!!

    visiting from "Our Beautiful World"


  11. Licht und Schatten - wunderbar eingefangen!
    Danke für deinen lieben Mond-Kommentar!

  12. Your pictures have some very intricate and beautiful shadow art. Well done! Have a grand day!

  13. these are also good for '[a href="]'Shadow Shot Sunday'

    have a nice Thursday

    much love...

    1. Thank you. I thought so before, but I have so many shadows photos, as it does not exist weeks ... Photo thrives on light and shadows -

  14. thanks for such a lovely tour of beauty !

  15. beautiful shadows Mascha… they only exist when light is present.

  16. What a wonderful post of shadows, amazing work! Thanks so much for sharing it with us at Our Beautiful World!


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