Sonntag, 19. Januar 2014

Time passing

When she was a child
here was a garden.
She often looked at him.
An old man had
wrested from nature
Every year it grew a bit
and he put the fence further back.
In the triangle blooming flowers
and he planted a lot
with love.
When he died
flourished it on there
some years
and then rotted the fence
and nature won
the terrain back.
Today, the woman
still goes the same ways
dwells on the same shores
and one day
she also disappears
such as the garden...

Written by Mascha for Our Beautiful World

Shared with Lunch Break

7 Kommentare:

  1. That truly is beautiful ... Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and photos with us at Our Beautiful World!

  2. awesome! thanks for sharing at Lunch Break; have a nice Sunday

    much love...

  3. Beutiful !
    tanks fore visiting my blog:))

  4. What a fine poetic image to match with the photos!

  5. such is the way with real is all a lovely passage...

  6. Dear Mascha, that truly is a most beautiful and touching post... Thank you for sharing it with us at OBW! Hugs, Wendy


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