Freitag, 3. Januar 2014

Random 5 Friday

The old year ended for me with a small personal disaster. And so my mood was helpless , sad and depressed , because not all things can be clarified and they can be very distressing for a long time . More I will not write - it does not belong all to the Internet ...

The New Year's Eve was very loud and I was worried about my cat. 
She did not stay in the house because she is used to being outside at night . 
She made several attempts to get out there and was completely scared. I had trouble , to reassure he, because she is still a very timid and lary animal 
(who knows what was done to her before she came to me ? )

I have nothing against a nice fireworks. However, they produce things which simply pop out. And every year, products are optimized and then pop even louder - it's a horror for all animals. And for me too.  It went on until the wee hours ...
If it were up to me , the world would be much quieter anyway.

I found a poem again, I knew earlier. It fits very well at the present time , it will never be out of date anyway.
I have tried to translate it with google translator . Words are easy, I think it succeeded .


Mein Leben setzt sich zusammen:
Ein Tag wie dieser. Ein anderer Tag.
Glut und Asche und Flammen.
Nichts gibt es, was ich beklag.

Früher habe ich so gefühlt:
Irgendwas Großes wird sein.
Inzwischen bin ich abgekühlt:
Es geht auch klein bei klein.

Was soll schon Großes kommen?
Man steht auf, man legt sich hin.
Verlieren die Dinge den Sinn.

Doch manchmal sind solche Stunden
Von Freiheit vermischt mit Wind.
Da bin ich ungebunden
Und möglich wie als Kind.

Und alles ist noch innen
In mir und unverletzt.
Und ich fühle: gleich wird es beginnen,
Das Wunder kommt hier und jetzt.

Was es sein soll? Ich kann es nicht sagen
Und ich weiß auch: das gibt es gar nicht.
Aber plötzlich ist hinter den Tagen
Noch Zukunft ohne Pflicht.

Und frei von Furcht und Hoffen
Und also frei von Zeit.
Und alle Wege sind offen.
Und alle Wege gehn weit.

Und alles kann ich noch werden,
Was ich nicht geworden bin.
Und zwischen Himmeln und Erden
Ist wieder Anbeginn.

- Eva Strittmatter -


My life is composed:
A day like this . Another Day .
Embers and ashes and flames.
There is nothing what I bemoaned .

I used felt this way :
Something big will be.
Meanwhile, I 'm cool :
It is also small at small.

What should come already big?
Man standing on , one lies down.
Taken apart ,
Losing things to mind.

But sometimes those hours
From freedom mixed with wind.
Since I am unbound
And as possible as a child.

And everything is still in
In me and unharmed .
And I feel : the same it will start
The miracle is here and now.

What should it be? I can not say it
And I also know that it does not exist.
But suddenly behind the days
Even without future obligation .

And free from fear and hope
And thus free of time .
And all roads are open.
And all roads go far .

And everything else can I be ,
What I did not become .
And between heaven and earth
Is the beginning again .

It is written by Eva Strittmatter
She was the wife of the famous novelist Erwin Strittmatter.
She died 3 years ago today.
In my early years, 18-25, I have she adored and her poems have helped me to find a life cycle. Her way to look of live has influenced me in a good sense.
I could say that she was my spiritual mother. Also in her style of writing. Make things easy to say clearly and with few words. I liked that and I do it still is. When I write a really good text. As short and clear as possible.
Here you will notice this not so. In English I try somehow to make me understandly ... because every good style is lost.
But I will in the future also pay attention more.

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Random 5 Friday

15 Kommentare:

  1. I admire anyone who expresses themselves in another language, I am unable to do so in my second language. I should like to read more of E. Strittmatter and fireworks can also cause such damage and death, our animals do not do well with the loud noise either. I hope 2014 brings you healing, making the hard edges of the disaster softer and easier to handle.

    1. Erwin Strittmatter has been much written about rural life. I do not know how much of it has been translated into English. Perhaps his major work "The Load"?
      He wrote many short stories.
      She almost wrote poems. And letters (3 books).

  2. I am sorry that the New Year did not start well for you .

    I understand about animals and fireworks. On the 4th of July here my dogs are very scared of the fireworks. They are the same in thunderstorms. My cat does not seem to be bothered, though.

    Your photos are lovely ; wishing you a good week going forward! :)

  3. Your poor kitty!!!! I love cats.

    And your nature images are so beautiful!!

    1. I took the photos on 31 December. When I'm sad, I mostly go into the forest, that helps...

  4. I don't like fireworks either. I think they should be used in special gatherings by people who know what they are doing ... shouldn't be available to all! Where I live, fireworks are not allowed in the city. I adore poetry. Beautiful photos. Hope your New Year becomes easier.

  5. I am not a big fan of fireworks either, especially when unnecessary.

  6. Oh I do hope you find your way through the disastor that should not be written about I unfortunately know what that is like. Take care HUG
    Love the poem by Eva Strittmatter. and I can see why you admire her so much her words are beautiful as are your beautiful photos. Take care hope things turn around. Hug B

  7. i always think about animals & wonder what they think of us humans & all our noise? poor things. i enjoy fireworks sometimes but usually prefer the quiet. ( :

  8. i love reading your english! and i'm sorry about number one...hope it all resolves into a happy was pretty quiet here, no fireworks. i remember as a kid, the neighbors would shoot guns up in the air. i didn't like that, scared me wondering where the bullets would drop.

  9. There were some faint rumbles in the distance on New Year's Eve -- I thought it was thunder, then I remembered the holiday.

    Wish I could cheer you up my friend. So sorry about the event that caused you pain. xo

  10. noise can be a nightmare for animals and humans, especially little ones. I hope that the new year brings more blessings than trials for you>

  11. So sorry to hear that you had some personal issues at the end of the year. I do hope things will resolve soon and you will find peace in the outcome.
    Your photos are so lovely. I really liked the one with the orange colored sky, so pretty.
    Sorry about your kitty being scared by the fireworks. Doesn't seem to bother out cats but they rarely go outside and have places to hide inside if they do get scared. Lovely poetry.

  12. Und, hat sich der Katzen-Alltag nun wieder normalisiert?

    Und ich drück' Dir die Daumen, dass 2014 Dir weniger Steine in den Weg wirft ...
    Liebe Grüße

  13. Liebe Mascha,
    auch ich mag viele Gedichte von Eva Strittmatter sehr!!! Und ich war genauso alt wie Du, als ich mich mit ihren Gedichten ganz besonders intensiv auseinander gesetzt habe...
    Ich mag diese ganze Knallerei auch nicht !Es tut mir leid, dass die Silvesternacht so traurig und anstrengend für Dich und Deine Katze war. Ich hoffe es geht Euch beiden ein wenig besser...
    Deine Waldbilder gefallen mir sehr, ganz besonders das Bild mit dem See!!!


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