Freitag, 10. Januar 2014

Random 5 Friday

I have spent the last few days, enjoyed the spring-like weather and done something in the garden. Even the apple tree pruned , the only one who stands in our garden.
Sometimes I dream about having a big lawn with many apple trees behind the house ... but on the other hand : what should we do with all those apples ?
We do not have a car to take them for processing ...
So it's good to have only one tree .
In general, this garden is just small enough to not be too much work for one person.

I have read in many blogs from the terrible cold in the United States. Especially has taken me this in Eden Hill's Blog.
But I also admire Teresa how well they provide for their animals and find strategies to survive.
I feel with her, it is sad to lose a chicken. Even if it is "only " a chicken is .
I'm happy to read, that the cold is over now.

We have read the book  "Walter: The story of a rat" by Barbara Wersba .
It is a children's book , but as a good story is also good for adults.
 And the pictures to ...

With this book, it is a mystery by us. We had started at Christmas time in 2012 , to read it. We often read each other a little before , my love and me.
We were up in the chamber. In that evening, I took the book down in the main room ( called library). I distinctly remember the process as I went up the stairs with the book down .
But since then it has disappeared without a trace .
For a whole year we have been looking up and down ( the house is small) and had all the books in hand , and had looked into all corners - the book was gone!
A few days ago I open my mailbox at the door and find a package : a rather strange person has sent me a new copy of this book ! I had mentioned only in passing and she has it memorized .
This is very attentive and loving . I was very pleased .
Now we can finally read this lovely story finished.

Otherwise, this week was not very good.
I suffer from insomnia since early November with no explainable reason. I already did all my life , but normally takes a bad phase 8-10 days, then it gets better . Never a full 2 ​​months. I am very tired and then happen naturally misadventures -
But all the proven tools and strategies , however, I have been practicing unsuccessful in five decades ...

Yesterday was again " Table-day " and I've got some food .
" The table " is a charity project and I have written here extensively about.
I can prepare several meals from it and the bread is very deliciuos.
I'm glad and grateful.

Shared with Random 5 Friday

17 Kommentare:

  1. I love the part where you received another copy of the book! That was very kind. We here in the United States have been having odd weather....all over. Even where I live in South Texas along the Gulf of Mexico coast, it's been VERY cold, but nothing like "Eden Hills"...I read about her trying to save her chickens from the freezing cold. She has a true loving spirit!!!

    Enjoyed reading your Random 5 today.

  2. Your stories are enchanting.

    A small garden with one apple tree, your main library room with books that travel at will and return in another form in the mail, tables of food for friends . . .

    Yes, you have given us plenty to dream about . . . speaking of dreams . . sleep well, my new friend!

  3. Being able to work in my small garden always makes me feel better -- I bet it does for you, too. Love the story about the book. I love children's books -- the stories and the illustrations make me smile. Hugs---

  4. teresa is amazing. i love her blog & all her animals. such a sweet family. i asked my hubby this week about sneezing chickens? she taught me something there. never knew a chicken could or did sneeze. ( :

  5. Sounds like a great book for my granddaughter and I to read. I wonder if it's available in English?

    1. It is written in English and translated in German. I have make a link to amazon, english original book.
      Think, it ist not hard to find it (and I will look for other books by Barbara Wersba)

  6. Mascha, I love that y'all read to each other in the evenings. Sounds so romantic :) I am looking forward to spring here in the US. It's been so cold! I am always sad when we lose a chicken. They are our pets and we love them. Happy Weekend!!!

    1. Yes, I also think it's sad to lose an animal. Because we love it anyway!
      But I said to someone and it came the answer: you have not seen in TV since children have died, how can you mourn a chicken!
      I think we can. But in the eyes of some people I appear so numb and unreal ...

  7. I am glad that you are able to finish that looks lovely

    I had the cold where I am but we are warming up now. As in compared to that cold, 36 degrees feels like spring today! :)

  8. What a wonderful surprise to have someone mail you that book. Now, every time you look at the book, it will bring you joy or another sort.

  9. How thoughtful of your mystery friend to send you another copy of your missing book!

  10. That children's book looks really good.

  11. Ach, Mascha, was für ein bezauberndes Buch...und was für eine schöne Geschichte dahinter steckt...ich hab grad mal ein wenig hinein gelesen (Leseprobe von Deinem Link) und das ist so wunderschön geschrieben...ich weiß jetzt schon, was ich mir dieses Jahr zu Weihnachten wünsche :)
    Das mit dem Schlafdefizit tut mir sehr leid für Dich! Schlaf ist so wichtig!
    Viele Menschen scheinen, in der letzten Zeit, an Schlafstörungen zu leiden. Ich habe mittlerweile Probleme, wenn ich zu spät ins Bett gehe, wenn ich zu lange am Computer sitze oder sehr spät noch Filme gucke. Mir reicht da schon eine Nacht ohne Schlaf... Wie hältst Du das den durch? Kannst Du wenigstens am Tag ein wenig zur Ruhe kommen?
    Ich wünsche Dir von ganzem Herzen, dass diese blöde Phase bald vorbei ist und Du wieder schlafen kannst...Sei ganz lieb gegrüßt und komm gut durch die Nacht!
    Alles Liebe
    Katrin, die sich wieder sehr über das wunderschöne Lied freut und Dir ganz lieb dafür dankt!!!

    1. Danke. Ob und wie lange ich das noch durchhalte... weisz ich im Moment selbst nicht, ich bin einfach nur noch fertig. Und nix nützt. Weder Tabs, noch AT noch eine spezielle Schlaf-CD aus der Apotheke...und Hausmittel schon gar nicht. Seufz!
      Ja, zu spät zu Bett oder andre Störfaktoren - das sind alles noch sichtbare Gründe (dann geht bei mir sowieso nix), aber hier hats keinen erkennbaren Grund. Das ist das Schlimme daran. Normalerweise geht sowas mal wieder vorbei - ich hoffe ja immer noch...
      Liebe Grüsze und ein schönes WE

  12. How wonderful to have someone mail you a new copy of the book. It looks like a lovely story. Your garden sounds charming. I do hope you find relief from your insomnia.


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