Dienstag, 14. Januar 2014

Wordless - без слов -

12 Kommentare:

  1. Antworten
    1. It's the power plant of an old factory.
      But no longer works ...

  2. Thank you for visiting Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) and sharing your photo. I hope to see you again next week!

  3. Antworten
    1. Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, Wernigerode,
      by the old chocolate factory "Argenta" (they have a new building today)

  4. Love that building and the shape

    Have a good week ahead ;-)

  5. I'm curious as to the architecture elements and interior design of this building. Does i have a historical feeling to it?

  6. Yes, it is a historic building from the time that originated in Germany many factories (ca.1880-1920). Unfortunately I can not go in, I would do it willingly and am curious myself ...

  7. Hallo Mascha,
    ich komme über abooksandmore, und finde das Gebäude schön und interessant. Die Form, die Fenster und die Spiegelung in diesen gefallen mir gut. Da es sich, nach deinem Label, um eine Farbrik handelt, kann mensch nur hoffen, dass dieses Gebäude nicht leersteht und verfällt.
    Happy Evening, Wieczora (◔‿◔)| My photoblog

  8. Love the lines in this building. And the large windows. Visiting via 'Create-with-Joy' Wordless Wednesday


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