Freitag, 31. Januar 2014

Liebster Award


My Blog is nominated for an award, thank you very much, Eva.
I will gladly pass it on to blogs, which like very much.
But first the interview with Eva's questions to me.

1. What inspired you to blog?
I see so many beautiful things that I would like to share with others.
And I will also inspired by reading nice blogs. This gives me joy

2.Besides blogging, what is your favorite thing to do?

3. What is your most prized possession?
A chain with pendant, which has made my grandfather.

4. What was a significant milestone for you in 2013?
Prefer not to write - there are personal things that do not belong in the public, in my opinion.

5. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
I would do anything to make a Slavic Studies

6. What are the top five on your bucket list?
Sorry, my English is not enough - what's a bucket list?

7. What are your favorite ways to unwind?
Lying on a sunny quiet glade and listen to the birds, sitting in my garden and read, listen to music...

8. What was the last book you read?
“Sommarboken” by Tove Jansson (Summerbook)

9. What is your favorite quote and by whom?
"Nominal like not poor because your dreams are not fulfilled. Really poor is only those who have never dreamed of. "
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (Writer from Austria, 1830-1916)

10. What social media platforms are you currently on?
Nothing. I do not understand the purpose of such things and I'm not there registered. 
Okay, I have a google+ profile, because I was asked to create this when I wanted to an user on youtube send an important message ... But I do not understand all the functions of this, and how it worked.
If blogs are linked to google+, I will not leave there a comment.
I'm sorry for the bloggers, normally I would written something nice, but it is for me incomprehensible and scary.

In accordance to the Liebster law, I’d like to nominate the following bloggers:


(I'm not sure if all like to accept the award and find the time to play with. I have some reluctance to do such things - )

Here are the rules:
1. Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
2. Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

And my questions:
1 When you was getting or buying your first camera?
2 Did or do you have joy of analogue photography and do you know the miracle, when in the developer appears a picture?
3 Who is your most loved person?
4 What kind of music do you prefer?
5 What was your favorite toy or game as a child?
6 Was in childhood a fairy-tale figure, with which you can identify you in particular?
7 What do you insist on doing this year?
8 What do you dream of doing it or what place to visit, even if you know that it can never be?
9 If you could plant a garden, what flowers would you plant there?
10 Still like you writing in the age of digital mails letters or cards by hand and sending them with really mail?

1.    Wann bekamst oder kauftest Du Deine erste Kamera?

2.    Hattest oder hast Du Freude an Analogfotografie und kennst Du das Wunder, wenn im Entwicklerbad ein Bild erscheint?
3.    Wer ist Dein liebster Mensch?
4.    Welche Musikrichtung bevorzugst Du?
5.    Welches war Dein Lieblingsspielzeug oder Spiel als Kind?
6.    Gab es eine Märchengestalt, mit der du dich besonders identifizieren konntest?
7.    Was willst Du unbedingt tun in diesem Jahr?
8.    Wovon träumst Du, es zu tun oder welchen Ort möchtest Du gern besuchen, auch wenn Du weiszt, dasz es niemals sein kann?
9.    Wenn du einen Garten anlegen könntest, welche Blumen würdest du dort pflanzen?
10.  Schreibst Du im Zeitalter von emails noch gern Briefe oder Karten mit der Hand und verschickst diese mit der Post?

7 Kommentare:

  1. thank you for accepting, great answers and questions. A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die, I'm curious :)

    1. Thank you - I will thinking about it over night and write tomorrow -

  2. Dankeschön, liebe Mascha ... Dann setze ich mich einmal mit diesen Fragen auseinander!

    Am Wochenende versuche Ichs ;)

    Liebe Grüßle von Heidrun

  3. Thank you for the nomination Mascha,it's sweet of you,however although I don't say so,my blogs are award free!

    Have a lovely weekend,

  4. Vielen Dank, liebe Mascha! :)
    Das mit den Fragen gefällt mir...Ich werde mir am Wochenende mal ein wenig Zeit nehmen und mir Gedanken zu Deinen machen...ob ich 10 Leute mit unter 200 Followern finde weiß ich gar kucken :)
    Ich hoffe Du schläfst schön,
    Alles Liebe,

  5. Mascha, Is it okay for me to take some time before deciding to accept this? I will read the rules and questions carefully and let you know about accepting. But I want you to know I feel honored, so thank you.


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