Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014

Our Beautiful World: January

The winter will not come
only the snow berries are shining white.

The pictures from today.

15 Kommentare:

  1. The berries are beautiful the look like little puffs of cotton caught on the branches :)

  2. We have these berries too ... they are pretty! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!!

  3. So viele Schneebeeren-Beeren hätte ich auch mal gern im Garten! Nur meine Sträucher wuchern nur und haben kaum weiße Früchte ...
    LG Silke

  4. I also think the white berries look like cotton. :)

  5. Same here. I so miss snow and ice and cold...

  6. Very pretty! : )
    We are knee deep in winter over here in Pennsylvania. I miss sunshine and warmth : ).
    Happy New Year.

  7. lovely views - can you eat the berries?
    Have a great week. I am joining you through Wednesday Around the World.

    1. No. You can nothing do with them. Besides, the kids throw them to the ground and trampled. This makes plopp -

  8. Makes me wish for warmer days. Pretty!

  9. I have heard that your area has been unusually mild this year. We, in the southern states are unusually cold. We are warming up this weekend, though.

    1. I have read in many blogs of the cold wave (in TV, I saw it too): it is distributed very unfairly. Hold out!

  10. Beautiful scenery. Winter is here and it's freezing!

  11. Very nice. Looks inviting for a long walk.

  12. The snow berries are beautiful. Our winter won't come either. We should be having rainy days and we haven't seen real rain for a year. I hope you get your winter soon.


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