Freitag, 27. März 2015

Friday Five and random blue

Good Morning.
The nice Friday-Five-memes at Nancy, Tanya and Amy are calling for me.
And the weekly blog round by visiting the others I want not to miss, 
although my garden is waiting and there are many other things to do at this time.

This is an really random picture of really random blue.
There are areas in my home that are constantly renewed and beautifully decorated and there are areas, where I deposit some old stuff and it stay there for a long time. I often go past it and see no longer that all.
Under the roof in my old working room that is so.
I don't working more as a textile artist for a long time (retired now) and since I've painted the last picture more than 10 years have passed.
There are also not the best pictures, which are left over and parked there (I had to live and get money), but rather the scrap ...

Last sunday I looked around and saw suddenly: it is a really nice and harmonic color mood of blue and old stuff. Random. Took a picture ...


My home is full of colors but there are some blue corners also.


The crucifix is an unfinished work by my grandmother.
The cross is enamel on copper, partially lined with silver.
(I have as a child yet seen how that is done, she worked until she was completely blind ...)
The corpus is from plasticine - it is only the first draft.
After this was made a wax model and it was pressed into molding sand to make a casting mold for copper or brass.
But for that it did not come and the draft lay long decades in boxes.
Plasticine has got some injuries in this time, but I will not restoring it.
For me it's a keepsake.


This is an very old quilt, made by me.
Inspired by a the wooden louver at an abandoned house.

And this is my new blue alldays-bicycle-outfit, since I've finally finished my sweater.
Would show it on me, but my love isn't here and I don't like selfies.
Show it dressed later (the colors in real are more harmonic than on the photo)


At last a "blue" song.
The voice of Alexander Veljanow sounds like a "blue voice" for me, maybe I'm a little synaesthetically?

(This picture is from my archive, made last summer, the others are made in this week)

Have a colorful (blue) weekend all.

28 Kommentare:

  1. Du hast Dir ein schönes gemütliches Heim geschaffen. In meinem Haus ist alles mehr in rot bis orange. Nur die Wände sind in einer warmen crème Farbe.

  2. Beautiful shades of blue, love the quilt. Have a great weekend.

  3. I love your glass bottles, there are some lovely shades amongst them x

  4. Beautiful shades of blue there. The crucifix must be so special, how wonderful to have something like that x

  5. There is a lot of order in your randomness, which is very nice. Love the blue tones.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  6. You are so multi talented. Love your quilt, but I have to say the blue paintings put together in a random group like that look stunning. A lovely blue post.

  7. Mascha, what lovely blues! And your artworks, wow, you have such talent. I especially enjoy the picture/painting(?) of the dandelion! I really like it.

  8. I can see that you like blue very much!

  9. What wonderful blue things you have!! That cross is a real treasure for you I am sure, it has a wonderful family history. Thank you so much for joining in. I hope that you have a great weekend - using your new cycling gear perhaps! xx

  10. Blue is such a soothing colour. I do love your blue glassware in the windows, they make me happy!

  11. I hope that you are not feeling blue. Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. But. Sometimes I feelmyself blue. Completely without alcohol ;-)
      It's a wonderful feeling!

  12. pretty artwork mascha and what a special crucifix that is...i like that colorful view out of your window! thank you for linking and have a super weekend :)

  13. Lovely sweater and quilt. You are very talented. Enjoyed seeing all your paintings and "blues". Fun window. You are so lucky to have the crucifix from your grandmother. Talent runs in the family! Happy Friday.

  14. Mascha, such lovely blue photos. I love the one with the sunshine coming through at the bottom of the stairs! Have a lovely weekend.

  15. Oh -- looks very springy there my friend! Love the outfit! xo

  16. Lots of pretty blues here. I love the blue of the favorite shade of blue. Have a nice weekend!

  17. What a sweet glimpse into your home. I LOVE the really touches a place deep in my heart. If I were to visit you, I'd want to sit on the stairs with a cup of tea....looking at the books, and artwork, and out the window...

  18. Oh, all that wonderful blue, very nice post,

  19. Lots of lovely blue for sure. I really like all your blue vases and in the painting shot I loved the Blue Dandilion painting.

    1. The dandelion is not a painting by me. It's a photopicture, what I've bought once for only 1 Euro... but it never found a place on my walls. Maybe, it is still being used, I like it too.

  20. Your artwork is wonderful, Mascha! And your quilts! I adore blue...cobalt blue is my favorite color and I adore all the wonderful blue touches in your home. The cross is so very special! What a wonderful treasure. It is really beautiful. Have a great weekend, dear friend!

  21. I love all of your blue glass, but the cross is my favorite!

  22. Such a beautiful post, Mascha! I agree, a "blue voice" and thank you for the story of your grandmother's cross. xoxo

  23. I LOVE your blue glass. But most of all I love your grandmother's crucifix, what a precious thing. Thank you for sharing. x

  24. SUCH a lovely collection of blue in this post...beautiful variety. And your grandmother's crucifix; what a precious treasure.

  25. I love your grandmother's crucifix and wouldn't change a thing. What a treasure! How interesting the music is and in English too! It's very "folkie" sounding, which for me is very good.

  26. A beautiful collection of blue photos, dear friend. It's always a joy and pleasure to visit you. Have a blessed Easter and thank you for linking up with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs!


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