Donnerstag, 26. März 2015

A nice old iron fence...

... in my neighborhood.
I know it since my childhood.

Shared with Good Fences

11 Kommentare:

  1. That is a beautiful wrounght iron fence an it as lastled very well over the years.

  2. It's a really gorgeous iron fence, Mascha! Love the green leaf design with the adds a wonderful element to the overall beauty.

  3. Stunning design, and I like the shrubs growing in the yard!

  4. oh, my goodness! how beautiful! thanks for sharing it, mascha!

  5. That really is a very handsome fence isn't it! xx

  6. Mascha, love the inserts on the fence. Makes it really unusual and attractive.

  7. Fabulous. I love the little red berry on the leaf. This is a neat looking fence.

  8. This is an exceptional beautiful fence. Such delicate work.


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