Mittwoch, 4. März 2015

Across the street...

... is a flowershop.

And this post is my final Good bye to 52 Photos Project.
I don't have a Flickr-Account nor Instagram.
And Facebook I do not use and not understand.
These things strike me with a wealth of news and takes up too much valuable lifetime.
This is all so fast paced and always must be involved in order not to miss the boat.
 That I can not do.
I make only a silent blog and enjoy reading other blogs.
Will also find other link parties.
But it's a pity about 52 Photos Project.
I liked it very much.

52 Photos Project

4 Kommentare:

  1. Lovely photo. Please feel free to visit my blog anytime and don't be shy to comment. Perhaps you may find some joy and inspiration, as well as encouragement, in my posts. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  2. Lovely photo. Please feel free to visit my blog anytime and don't be shy to comment. Perhaps you may find some joy and inspiration, as well as encouragement, in my posts. Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  3. Mascha, those flowers are truly lovely, and the red is my favorite in the bunch.

  4. Bunches and pots of flowers like that are a wonderful sight aren't they! xx


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