Montag, 30. März 2015

Color moods

At last a song for today: The garden of Gethsemane is sleeping in dreams
Вот дремлет Гефсиманский сад 

17 Kommentare:

  1. So schön wie du diese Geschichten inszenierst und kreativ umsetzt.
    Es gefällt mir sehr gut wie du du das machst. Ganz toll.

    Eine gute Woche und alles Liebe.

  2. You have been busy, just been catching up on all of your posts! Hope you have a good week! xx

  3. An intriguing post. All those torn pages and image fragments between the macros seem so symbolic of the season. And the song you shared is so beautiful and haunting. Finally, the macro image of those bold thorns lingers.

  4. Mascha your photos and collages are beautiful, emotionally evocative. Thanks for your kind words, I hope you too are feeling well. As always thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥

  5. Mascha, a wonderful capture of beautiful things. The closeups of the various plants are wonderful, but I'm especially fond of the torn pages with the images. Very artistic and creative.

  6. Love the collages and photos.

  7. Wundervoller, mich sehr berührender Beitrag mit einer wunderschönen Handschrift, liebe Mascha!

  8. Lovely collage! Everything here looks amazing =)

  9. Hari OM
    What a rainbow! Colour is one of the great medicines of life; here's to your improving health. It is good to see you 'on air' again &*>... und fur sie musik, danke... Blessings, YAM xx

  10. Interesting series of shots.
    Thanks for sharing at

  11. These pictures are so beautiful. Just look at those thorns, they are so alive. Your color composition is so pleasant to the eyes.

  12. Very cool shots. Love the thorns, the ant on the leaf and the one that looks like a runway.

  13. Great pics, specially the first and the second to last.
    Thanks so much for being a part of our Wordless Wednesday Party

  14. Great photos Mascha, you are very creative. These are all beautiful!

  15. You are very talented and imginative, dear Mascha. This was an interesting and lovely post. Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Hugs and blessings!


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