Sonntag, 29. März 2015

Little help

This morning, in
the stillness, I heard
a small voice say,
Trust love
& then another louder
voice say, Are you crazy?
Who in their right mind
listens to a voice like that?
I had to laugh & agree
because I’ve already
trusted love for a very
long time
& I don’t really need
a voice to know that.

- storypeople -

Have a nice and sunny Easter time all.

17 Kommentare:

  1. Your little helpers, all gathered in light of early, morning sun, shine with calm and quiet.

    How true your words are about love. You are blessed to know it.

    Happy Sunlit Sunday!


  2. Liebe Mascha...eine ganz bezaubernde Ecke hast du dir für Ostern geschaffen.
    Ich wünsche dir lichtvolle Ostertage und alles Liebe.

    Liebste Grüessli

  3. Looks like you guys are getting ready for Easter, Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

  4. I trust love too ♥ Loving your Easter table, have a wonderful Sunlit sunday

  5. Have a real good sunlit Easter. take care Jaana

  6. Wonderful vignette! Easter is fast approaching. Looks like there is some bunny love there! Love the cute sheep by the window too!

  7. Lovely layout, love the little bird house. #mysundayphoto

  8. That is just beautiful! Everything is so pretty x

  9. Lovely styling! Happy easter and I miss seeing your photos =) #MySundayPhoto

  10. So pretty, I love these details

    Thank you for linking up

  11. This is such a lovely little Easter scene you have created. I wish you the very best for the upcoming Easter holiday :)

  12. What a sweet lovely post filled with Easter and springtime. I'm popping over from Dwellings Amaze Me Monday.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  13. So many lovely bunnies perfect for Easter! Lovely to follow your blog now!

  14. This is just the sweetest post, Mascha! I love looking at your photos - you are always able to capture beauty and charm. Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Love and hugs!

  15. You have a charming Easter display, Mascha, with the light colours that reemerge at this time of year, after winter has passed. Happy Easter to you.



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