Samstag, 21. März 2015

Early morning

I never imagined back
when I thought I knew
so much about Love
that I could sit here
silently in the early
morning with you &
the quiet would feed
something in me
all day long.

- storypeople -

Shared with Shadow Shot Sunday, Sunlit Sunday 

(Sorry,more than one photo, I have not managed to make in this week, but I think my health will be better in the future )

14 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful morning thoughts.
    I was scrolling back and really like the Black and White feature you did last week. Very very nice.

  2. Haunting, beautiful morning light. There is a comfort, a softness in this scene.

  3. There's a lovely early morning atmosphere in this photo.
    What's the name of that gorgeous plant?
    Have a great week ahead!

  4. Lovely!

  5. Beautiful! Your morning light makes me want to brew a cup of coffee and take in the quiet.

  6. Beautiful thoughts on love and a beautiful photo of quiet morning light.

  7. Silence with the one you love and if it reciprocated is more than enough ❤️

  8. Beautiful thoughts and perfectly tied to the morning sun.

  9. Lovely photo. The lighting is amazing.

  10. The leaves, the butterfly, the light and shadow! You photos are always so atmospheric, Mascha.
    Enjoy the rest of your week.


  11. Eben vermisste ich deine Post auf meiner Liste.
    Wünsche dir ganz fest alle Gute und dass du dich bald wieder besser fühlst. ♥

    Liebe Grüessli

  12. Dear Mascha
    The play of light and shadow at the beginning of the day is lovely.
    A wonderful time of the day to reflect on love - the essence of the human being.
    Inspiring dear Mascha.
    Wishing you happy thoughts today as well.


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