Dienstag, 3. März 2015


... and cloudshadows:

12 Kommentare:

  1. Beautiful. My favorite are the light wisphy clouds in the 4th photo.

  2. The clouds on the field are really interesting, aren't they? Beautiful skies.

  3. Lovely skies! And the field is beautiful!

  4. I think the cloud shadow really touched me, a great perspective :) well done

  5. Great pics!
    The first one is a winner!

  6. Love these. Thank you.

    Here's my Wordless Wednesday. I'd love to have you stop by!

  7. Lovely clouds. They look fluffy like cotton balls.

  8. Pretty landscapes and lovely views of the clouds and sky! Have a happy weekend!

  9. You do beautiful work. I like how you framed the sky in your first photo and the way you framed the tree with the clouds in that second photo from the bottom.
    Take 25 to Hollister


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