Donnerstag, 26. März 2015

A gift

A gift can be the blue sky after a rainy day
A gift can be the feather, what I find on my way
A gift can be the purring of a cat, that comes to me
A whole long day of all obligations free...
A gift is the last golden sun in late autumn time
A gift is in the morning the first silver shine
A gift each little moment of life that I enjoy will be
A gift is my beloved one who is beside me

7 Kommentare:

  1. heart-warming commentary on gifts!

  2. Wow, I just found a lovely feather as large as these just now! Lovely display.

  3. Lovely share, thanks for playing along with us at Our Beautiful World!

  4. Lovely blue skies and feathers.

  5. Gorgeous post Mascha - your poem is full of meaning, great photos, thanks for sharing with OBW

  6. schöner Post! danke fürs teilen auf "OBW"

  7. So beautiful ... I love your words and your photos are perfect!! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!


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