Montag, 17. Oktober 2016

From the old time...


I've chosen baroque music, because many visitors write,
 that the modern songs were unaivable in their countries,
 maybe, that works better?

Shared with Foto Tunes, image-in-ing, Wednesday around the World
Wordless Wednesday

8 Kommentare:

  1. Mascha, what a wonderful pairing of stylish fotos and this great Vivaldi tune. The architectural details and your beautiful collages are always a treat. Thanks for being here today, i hope that you will visit again real soon.

  2. The fifth photo-verse is my favourite and, thanks for today's music

    Monday WRites 79 is live

    much love...

  3. That's a beautiful place to visit !!

  4. That's a beautiful place to visit !!

  5. Love the unusual details of the door. The whole post exudes your way of seeing things - i love it! And Vivaldi -one of my favorite composers next to JS Bach:) thanks for sharing this beauty. Have a happy week and hope to see you back soon at ALL SEASONS!

  6. Wunderschön, mit dem Vivaldi dazu noch schöner... Lieben Abendgruß Ghislana


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