Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2016

Usual stuff

They couldn’t reach the cord to make it stop & so it flew about scaring the older ladies just out of church. It left behind a trail of wet feathers & a renewed sense of the presence of evil among the faithful. Once they found out who started it, everyone settled down & went back to hating the usual stuff....

- storypeople - 

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures

6 Kommentare:

  1. Deine so rätselhaft geheimnisvoll schönen Collage-Posts mag ich so gern... Lieben Gruß Ghislana

  2. Mascha, once again you have assembled a fabulous collection of images...they are gorgeous. They are all favorites. Thanks for sharing and I hope that you will visit again soon.

  3. Very beautiful. My favorite is the arched doorway with the outfit-great tones in that image.

  4. Very beautiful. My favorite is the arched doorway with the outfit-great tones in that image.


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