Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2016

Wild songs

I wish for you a life where your blood
sings with the voice of an eager, wild thing.
With a voice that says I am here & in this short time,
this is the song I sing because I can.

- storypeople -

12 Kommentare:

  1. The 1st photo is amazing and your table setting so pretty. Happy Sunday Mascha!

  2. Great photos, especially the one of the tablesetting with delicious photogenic figs.

  3. Beautiful photos!! I love those flowers!! Thanks so much for sharing at OBW!!

  4. photos are stunning specially loved the color and setting of your table dear

  5. Wow, what pretty purple images! My favorite is the raindrops on the petals!

  6. Beautiful pictures :) Pawkisses for a Happy WW :) <3

  7. Love the cozy third photo:) You really bring out the different moods with purple.
    See you around Sunday for ALL SEASONS (a small name change:) ) Have a lovely purple week!

  8. Gorgeous lavender for fall! Beautiful shots, Mascha!


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