A German love song, performed by the Neofolk band "Werkraum"
Don't ask me - I cannot understand the old aged words...
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So lovely and beautiful...it is always a pleasure to visit here Mascha~
AntwortenLöschenI see we both tapped the medieval today Mascha.
AntwortenLöschenI thoroughly enjoyed the music.
Thank you for dropping by my Sunday Standard and linking
Much love...
What a lovely post....and song! Monday again, let´s have a great week, take care!
Mascha, so many images to enjoy while listening to your German love song. Thanks so much for sharing today, I hope to see you back again.
AntwortenLöschenI've always thought I'd enjoy living in Medieval times--well, there are things I would love about that era but not everything! Love the post.
AntwortenLöschenNydelig kvit rose !
AntwortenLöschenGammel skrift/ord er vanskelig å forstå.
Delightful post, Mascha! Photos, collage and music all create a very special atmosphere.
AntwortenLöschenThank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best Meme".