On tuesday is Assumption day.
And with this post I'm going in a blog break.
Enjoy your time.
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Beautiful post as usual - love the chapel
AntwortenLöschenBright and warm and chilling all at the same time.
AntwortenLöschen...Mascha, what a delight collection of fotos and your wonderful collages. Enjoy your break and I look forward to seeing you back soon!
AntwortenLöschenI had forgotten about the feast day for the Assumption.
AntwortenLöschenFin samling av bilder.
AntwortenLöschenOh yes indeed! Ave Maria
AntwortenLöschenMonday WRites 118 is live, i invite you to link up
Have a good Monday
much love...
Love the view from the balcony in the chapel. The light comes out beautifully there. An your captures on the bottom are so stunningly done, Mascha! A beautiful choice for All Seasons - thank you much! Wishing you a beautiful week.
AntwortenLöschenI like capture and light of first photo. Great!
AntwortenLöschenGreetings from the UK. Lovely pictures.
AntwortenLöschenThank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
hallo Mascha
AntwortenLöschenich habe deinen Post bei Bodenseegarten gelesen
du suchst ein Lied
ich habe etwas für dich gefunden
Teile deines Textes passen zu :Augen der Großstadt.. von Kurt Tucholsky
vielleicht passt es ja ;)
schöne Bilder
liebe Grüße
Lovely post, Mascha. The colours are wonderful and your collages always a pleasure to see.
AntwortenLöschenThank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme, hope to see you around again this week.