Freitag, 4. August 2017

Lost mine

Come all of you colliers that work down the mine
From Scotland to South Wales, from Teesdale to Tyne
I'll sing you a song of a pound a week rise
And the men who were fooled by the Government's lies

And it's down you go, down below, Jack
Where you never see the skies
And you're working in a dingeon
For a pound a week rise

In nineteen and sixty, a few years ago
The mineworkers' leaders to Lord Robens did go
Saying, "We work very hard, every day we risk our lives
And we ask you here and now for a pound a week rise"

Then up spoke Lord Robens, and he made this decree
"When the output rises then with you I will agree
To raise up all your wages, to give to you fair pay
For I was once a miner and I worked hard in my day"

So the miners they went home, they worked hard and well
With lungs full of coaldust in the bosom of hell
The output rose by sixteen, eighteen per cent and more
And when two years had passed and gone it rose above a score

Then the miners they went to get their hard-won prize
To ask Lord Robens for their pound a week rise
Robens wouldn't give a pound, he wouldn't give ten bob
He gave them seven-and-six and said, "Get back to your job"

So come all of you colliers, take heed what I say
And don't believe Lord Robens when he says he'll give fair pay
For he'll tell you to work hard, to make the output rise
You'll get Pie in the Sky instead of a one pound rise

18 Kommentare:

  1. Thanks for your words about Pirosmani. I don'tknow the paustovski's book, I just read a long time ago, another pirosmani's biography by cyrille Zdanevitch who also was a painter.
    the pictures of a lost mine are wonderful, with a powerful feeling of tragedy like all the abandoned places that seem haunted by ghosts. I want to tell you again that your journal is beautiful and reminds me of Peter Beard's project that maybe you know. Have a nice (black and white) weekend

  2. Amazing photos. And it looks like an amazing place to visit. I wonder what kinds of stories we would hear if those walls could talk... The place looks full of secrets!

  3. You always find so interesting ruined buildings. Beautiful, yet sad.

  4. Excellent sequence. I'm particularly drawn to the third and fifth photos - beautiful use of light, and a sad sense of decay.

  5. Fine photos of the lost mine. It does not look lost, just failed and abandoned. Perfect place for photos.

  6. Great texture and endless possibilities. I was thinking horror flick but I hear from your song it was another type of nightmare. Is the D for demolish, down or dungeon. I like this song.

  7. Verlassener Ort
    und ein Gefühl der Verlassenheit,drücken diese Aufnahmen aus.
    Tolle Aufnahmen, Schwarz/weiß hebt diese düstere Stimmung noch hervor.
    Gefällt mir wieder sehr.
    Samstägliche Grüße

  8. ...Mascha, what wonderful B&Ws paired with this great tune. A lovely post! Thanks for sharing, please stop back.

  9. Very impressive in b&w; sad places, but so lovely images, aspects captured through your camera lens. And a very nice song related to.
    A nice new week of summer!

  10. These photos look so great in monochrome.

  11. Ein verwunschener Ort und wunderbar in schwarz-weiß anzusehen liebe Mascha. Das erste Bild gefällt mir mit am Besten.
    Dein Beitrag würde doch auch zu meinem Passé passen (wenn Du magst).
    Liebe Grüße und einen schönen Dienstag wünscht

  12. Hallo Mascha,
    solche Orte kommen einfach in Schwarz-Weiß am intensivsten rüber. Tolle Perspektiven, Ein-und Aussichten!
    Lieben Gruß

  13. So much atmosphere and foreboding in these shots!
    Thank you for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme, I hope to see more of your photos this week!

  14. Hallo Mascha
    Es tut mir leid das ich so spät eure Beiträge verlinke ...
    aber vor zwei stunden bin ich aus dem Urlaub erst gekommen
    ab heute wird es geben wie gewohnt :-)

    Tolle Beitrag
    so alte häuser verstecken viele interessante Motive

    Grüsse czoczo


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