Dienstag, 29. August 2017

A thousand lifetimes

It’s not something that’s easy
to explain, to see you standing
there, etched in the morning
light & suddenly remember
every one of a thousand
lifetimes with you
& at the same time, this one
exquisite life that will never
be enough to know you
all over again.

- storypeople -

An old prepaired post with one click in the blog -
I'm still in a break for 1-2 weeks. Will visit you during the week.

Shared with Tuesday's Treasures, image-in-ing

6 Kommentare:

  1. ...Mascha, looks like you are taking a break for your break! I's always a treat to see your treasures. Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your week!

  2. Wonderful photos as always, Mascha. Thanks for sharing your artistry.

  3. Super mascha! I hope you are enjoying your break!

  4. Thanks for sharing, Mascha!

  5. Greetings from the UK. I enjoyed reading.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.


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