Montag, 1. August 2016


11 Kommentare:

  1. Thanks for the tour. In the thumbnail, i thought that first photo is a waterfalls.

  2. Love the old stone work and the wall with the Ivy growong down over it

  3. It looks medieval to me Mascha. Stonework has always fascinated me, you have found lovely sights. Thanks for joining this week and keep on snapping and keep a tune in your heart.

  4. love all these old stone walls mascha!

  5. give me the memories of reading fairy tales and of princes slaying dragons. Happy Monday Mascha

    much love...

  6. The stone wall of the first photo is gorgeous. Lovely post.

  7. That last shot is truly magnificent. Love that place. Thank you for linking up with "Through My Lens".

    Mersad Donko Photography

  8. It indeed looks very medieval, fascinating song.

  9. I love the last shot, especially. So many years of people walking up and down those stairs.

    Here's my Wordless Wednesday!


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